Page 104 of Stand and Defend
Jordan: What?
Me: No bunny’s lips have ever made me come as hard as yours did.
I wait a minute . . . no response.
Me:. . .you gonna say anything?
Jordan: Why do I miss you?
Me: I don’t know.
Me: But I miss you too.
The guys talk about wrapping up bad games and wanting to go home to their wives and girlfriends, seeking comfort. I never wanted comfort when we lost, I wanted an escape. An escape by inviting a new face into my bed. Tonight? She’s all I want. I’ve been away for not even twenty-four hours and miss her.
And it’s not the sex—though it is great. I want to see Jordan wrapped up in that ugly, grungy hoodie and spend the night watching a movie, or talking, or telling her the three best things about my day.
“Cam,” Jordan whispers. It takes a minute for me to remember I’m in the boathouse. I didn’t get back to my folks’ place until almost midnight after our loss and the grueling press box that added insult to injury.
“Yeah?” I croak out. My voice is still sore from shouting at last night’s game.
“Can I get the keys? I need to run to the store.”
I crack open one eye. “Jesus, the sun isn’t even up yet. What do you need from the store?”
“I just need to pick up some things.” She holds her hand out, gesturing for me to give them to her. “Where are the keys?”
I roll over, my voice is muffled against my pillow that I’m planted face-first into. “Whatever you need, we probably have it here.”
“No, you don’t. I got my period. Funny thing about periods, if you don’t have a tampon, it’s kind of a time sensitive issue.”
Fucking hell.
I groan and sit up. “Go take a bath. I’ll run to thestore.” She opens her mouth to speak, but I cut her off. “Don’t argue with me, it’s too fuckin’ early. Just do it, Sunshine.”
When she exits the room, it’s not long before I hear the bathtub filling up, and the corner of my mouth tips up.
I throw on a pair of joggers, a baseball cap, and grab a jacket. On the tram, I enjoy the view. Fog hangs above water on the river, and frost covers the fallen leaves on the ground. Shit, I need a cup of coffee. I stop in my parents’ house, in case either of my sisters have something.
I stick my head into Alexis’s room first.
“Yo. Wake up. Do you have a tampon?”
“Fuck off, it’s too early,” Alexis says, shoving a pillow over her head.Somebody’s got a wine hangover.
I try Hailey’s room.
“No, I use a cup. Oh no, did Jordan get her period?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna make a store run.”
There’s a loud thud from the room next door, and Alexis stumbles out, squinting with her hand in the air. “Did you say you’re going to the store?”
“Yeah, you need something?”
“No. You’re going to the store. To buy tampons. For your ‘friend.’”