Page 67 of You Will Obey
Let us focus on surviving this war,Ara stated.
I lost another son, Wyatt. Does anyone know what happened?I asked.
A vampire no more than seven centuries bit him, then ripped his heart out. I then did the same to him, little brother,Nolan said.They are powerful, so be prepared. Their bones are like yours, Théoden. Not as strong as dragon bone, but reinforced, so to speak. Their venom works quickly and is a nasty natural weapon. Silver kills them all the same, and silver with wolfsbane is even better. So, make sure your weapons are dipped in it.
One thing that works to our advantage, many are young,Karim said.
Young, but they are attacking in hordes,Nolan stated.
By the hundreds or thousands?I asked.
Thousands,Nolan and Karim said in unison.
Getting back to using wolfsbane against vampires, how does it affect them?Vladimir asked the question we all wanted an answer to.
It works. I ended up cutting one with my dagger I normally use on wolves. I watched as the wound burned and it took longer to heal. I then contacted our Lords and enforcers, those who were awake, and told them as well,Nolan said.
Very good, my son,Ara said. Thank you for relaying that pertinent information. It will no doubt aid the rest of us.
I’m here with Tylendel now. Kendrick sent a thousand dragons and a hundred wolves here. Two battalions of five hundred and fifty soldiers led by Tylendel and Vex. He sent one battalion to River Rock to help Josef,I stated.But only dragons in that battalion.
Impressive, I didn’t expect him to send so many,Ara said, and I could hear how pleased that news made him by his tone.
No doubt, a show of power,Karim stated.And at this point, I’m grateful. His dragons here have evened the playing field along with Josef’s wolves. The fight is starting to die down, thank goodness. Tarnus has killed nearly five hundred of Alexander’s vampires on his own.
Holy shit,Henry gasped. I didn’t say anything, but I also shared his sentiment.
Thank God Théoden was able to secure my alliance with the new dragon King,Ara said. I felt my chest swell because my actions, though unsavory to Kendrick, may have saved us all.
Tarnus is here now, helping me defend the keep. Some have retreated and I can only assume they flew off to attack Greece. They may return.
By the time they do, if they do, it should be closer to nightfall,Ara said.
I have to let everyone know to use wolfsbane,I said.
There’s something else you all need to know,Karim said.Alexander's vampires can also create pleasure like dragons. It’s not as potent, but while I was fighting one, he made me cum instantly and had Tarnus not been there, I might have lost my head.”
Yeah, one of them did that to me,Henry said. One of Josef’s wolves saved me. How in the fuck did Alexander achieve these feats? And why didn’t any other vampire Royals get the power as well?
Questions that need answers,Miguel said. Did he have to touch you to make you cum or what? How did it happen?
He did touch me. Not sure if he could do it without touching like dragons can,Karim said.
They have to touch you,Vlad said.I saw it happen to Julian before he died. I couldn’t get to him in time and I thought he was winning until the vampire touched him and made him cum. After that, he took his head.
It’s a nasty advantage.Karim said.
Does it work on dragons?I asked.
“Can’t say. They aren't letting them get close enough to try from what I’ve seen,Karim said.
It worked, but not enough to render the dragon helpless. He still managed to kill the vampire,Nolan said.
Makes sense that they would be able to neutralize the effect,Ara speculated.
In any case, we need to let Kendrick know,Henry said.
He knows,Karim said.