Page 68 of You Will Obey
I’ll let Josef know, I said.Although his wolves have been trained to fight the sensation.
His pack has been a tremendous asset to us, Théoden. I’m so proud of you for your intuition. Not killing him and making him mine was very smart,Ara praised, and I felt a mixture of pride and fear rolling within me, because I wasn't sure how he’d take the news about Deacon.
I may have crossed the line, Father, where Deacon is concerned,I said.
What else is new?Nolan quipped.
You live now, Nolan, because of what I’ve done, the chances I’ve taken. And the sacrificesI’vemade. Never forget that,I snapped.
Enough. This is not the time to air out grievances or jealousies. Is there anything else to report?Ara asked.
Not from me,Karim said, and my other brothers echoed the same statement.
Very well. Stay safe, my children.Ara said, then he ended the connection with everyone but me.Tell me what you’ve done, Théoden.
I sighed.When I went to mobilize Deacon, he tried to back out of our deal. So, I branded him with my dragon fire. It was my only recourse, since his relationship with Elliot, Kendrick’s mate, leaves him pretty much safe from any physical harm or threats.
I see. And this dragon brand, what does it do?Ara asked.
It gives me control of his pleasure. It also lets me know where he’s at. I can sense him.
So, you used that ability to force him into compliance?
I did, Father, but in doing so, I incurred the wrath of Kendrick for binding Deacon to me with our blood. He wants me punished when this is over. He’s also made me Deacon’s guardian, so to speak. I said that I’d remove the brand, but he refused.
I see. Deacon is quite the lucky little mutt, isn’t he?
That he is, especially since my brand now makes him and his pack immune to the poisonous effects of dragon venom. Not sure if they feel the pleasure, but Kendrick told me that they can’t die from it.
Well, now, that is interesting. I’d very much like to have another wolf pack with such abilities. You did the right thing, Théoden.
Hearing those words gave me great relief.Thank you, Father.
Carry on with what you’re doing. I should be arriving shortly.
The sun–
Will not be a problem. I want you to meet me at Haven Tunnel in three hours.
I will, Father.
Until then, stay safe.Ara ended our connection and I opened my eyes.
“Ara is on his way here and will be here soon.”
“But the sun will be up?”
I nodded. “He’s on his plane now, it has UV protected windows and of course, shades, as will his car. Once he’s here, I’m sure he’ll go underground.”
“Are you certain that Alexander is on his way?”
I shrugged. “I have no way of knowing. But neither my brother Karim nor Nolan has sensed the vampire Royal during the attacks. It would seem that Alexander isn't there. He attacked Japan, but he knew that would set off alarms and give Ara time to prepare for any future attacks.”
“Can’t you vampires conceal your auras?” Ty asked.
“We can, that’s one of our advantages, just like blocking our minds from telepathic intrusion,” I said.
“So, Alexander’s vampires won’t be able to tell if Ara is still in Greece or not. I’m sure they’ve reported that much to him,” Ty speculated.