Page 38 of The Trolley Kiss
“Oh, hi sweetie,” she says, leaning in and giving him a hug. “Uncle Tom gave me his ticket. He had to work.”
Declan passes by me since I’m frozen at the end of the aisle and gives his mom a quick hug. “Hi momma.” He turns to me with the biggest smirk like he thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world that I’m ‘meeting the parents’ even though Mack and I aren’t even dating.
Mack finally gathers himself and looks back at me, extending his hand to invite me in with this awkward smile like he is just as uncomfortable as I am. “Uh… Addy, this is my mom.”
I give a small wave from behind both of them. Declan jumps in like the dick he is. “They are just friends. Mack isn’t dating her.”
“Oh, Mack,” his mom sighs.
“Literally her decision! Not that it’s any of you guys’ business.” Mack turns to me with desperate eyes. “Please don’t leave. I promise they’ll behave.”
“No, we won’t,” Declan says as he walks past me to let me get to the seat next to Mack, but before I can get past him, he grabs my arm and leans down to my ear. “Don’t forget, the only time you will ever be introduced as dating someone in this family, it will be when you’re with me.”
I flick my eyes up to his, trying to read his face. He steps back before I can figure out how much he’s joking. “I’m going to grab some snacks before the game starts. Anyone want anything? Nachos? Fries?”
And then he’s gone, leaving me alone with Mack and the family. God, help me.
Chapter 15
“Ahhh! Fuck yes!” I squeal, jumping up and down with the rest of the crowd, high-fiving everyone around me. My voice is already starting to give out and it’s not even half-time yet.
I may be just a tad more enthusiastic than usual since this third beer kicked in. Mack must be feeling just as tipsy as me since he’s being extra grabby and touchy-feely with every good play. I’d blame the alcohol for me not putting a stop to it, but I’m not sure that has anything to do with it.
My phone buzzes in my back pocket, so I take it out and read the message as I sit back down.
Declan:Stop letting him touch you like that.
I lean forward in my seat and stick my tongue out at him. He’s got that snarky ‘you’ll do whatever I tell you to’ look on his face. It’s a good thing he sat on the opposite end of our row because he’s driving me mad from all the way over here.
Me:Stop being a pain in my ass.
I can’t hold back my satisfied smile as I set my phone down and reach over and wrap my fingers around Mack’s bicep. Declan shakes his head with his mouth open, tongue-in-cheek. I swallow roughly as his eyes turn lusty.
Jesus, he needs to stop looking at me like that.
Declan:The only pain I ever want to cause you is on your neck, your wrists, your ass, your hair, and your kneecaps.
Declan:I want to hurt you just a little.
I immediately lock my screen so Mack doesn’t see. My heartbeat pounds so hard that I can feel it in my throat. I whip up from my chair and turn to Mack. “I need another drink.”
Before he has a chance to respond, Declan stands. “I’ll take her.”
Mack seems satisfied with that since he’s turned back toward the field again. I angrily push past Declan and walk as fast as I can without looking weird up the steps.
I march straight past the first concession stand line, balling my hands into fists, trying to get a grip. Declan grabs my arm and hauls me behind one of the large pillars. “Are you going back to his hotel room?” His voice is angry, and both of us are short of breath.
“That’s none of your business,” I grit out through a clenched jaw.
“So you’re just going to sleep with him then?”
“Oh, fuck off,” I say, trying to walk away.
He blocks my path, boxing me in against the pillar. “Addison.”
“What?” I spit out.
“Addison,” he repeats, brushing his fingers into my hair.