Page 39 of The Trolley Kiss
“Declan, don’t,” I whisper, my resolve melting away.
His forehead falls to mine. “Addy...”
The last thing I remember is breathing in.
Declan’s mouth consumes mine. His body slams me back against the pillar as his other hand comes up and cups my jaw. I moan into his mouth as his tongue slips into mine. I lose myself.
You like him.
I shove him back, bringing my hand up to my mouth. “No. No, no, no.” I take a few steps away, trying not to panic.
“I can’t handle this right now!” I rush away to the bathroom before he can say anything else. I speed walk to the nearest stall and collapse down on the toilet, hiding my face in my hands to muffle my crying. I try to push it all down. I can’t be in here for much longer or it’ll be weird when we get back to the seats.
Shit. This wasn’t supposed to happen. None of this was supposed to mean anything. I have to pull it together.
I splash some water on my face and touch up my makeup quickly before heading back out. Declan is waiting for me outside the bathroom with a new beer in hand. “Here,” he says gently, handing over the can.
“Thanks,” I whisper before we walk back to our seats in silence.
God, I hate myself right now. Why can’t I just be normal?
There’s a pit in my stomach for the rest of the game. I try to act like everything is fine, and I guess it is. Declan hasn’t looked my way since we’ve gotten back. He laughs and cheers with his family like nothing happened, but I think I might have fucked everything up.
Everyone is in good spirits after the game. Mostly because the team won, and partly because we’re all a little sloshed.
“I would kill someone for a pizza right now,” Mack says to the group.
Most of us nod in agreement and decide on hitting up the pizza place across from our hotel. Everyone except Declan.
“I’m meeting some friends. I’ll see you guys in the morning,” he says.
His mom rubs his arm. “You’re not coming to dinner with us?”
His eyes catch mine for a brief moment, but I look away, feeling guilty. “I’ll meet you in the morning,” he says to his mom, giving her a kiss on the cheek before leaving the rest of the group.
When we’re finished eating, I realize how exhausted I am. I’m not sure if it’s because of the late night last night or maybe just because this greasy food is starting to sober me up, but I’ve hit a brick wall. All I want is to do is go back to my room and sleep.
Mack and his cousins are making plans to hit up the bars downtown, meeting up with a few friends. I can’t seem to build the motivation to want to go though.
“Would you hate me too much if I went back to the hotel to sleep?” I ask Mack with a regretful smile.
He rubs my arm with concern. “Of course not. Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, no. I’m fine. I think I just didn’t sleep enough last night.”
“I’ll walk you to your room.”
This doesn’t quite feel right, but it’s like I don’t have control of my own actions. Like I’m watching myself from above. Why is Mack in my room?
He cups my jaw and kisses my lips. Suddenly, we’re on the bed. Our clothes are gone. His lips touch my skin. Everywhere.
He flips me around, rubbing his dick against me. It feels good. I feel horny.
My hips move back, taking him in. He grabs onto my hips and begins moving inside of me. Declan grabs my face, making me look at him.