Page 60 of The Trolley Kiss
He can’t hold back his laugh. “How drunk are you right now?” he teases.
“Stop!” I giggle. “I’m being serious. I never told anyone else that before.” My voice fades away at that last part.
Declan finally catches on. “Oh,” he says, surprised like he wasn’t expecting me to actually reveal something.
“Yeah…” I trail off, feeling slightly awkward now.
Declan reaches forward and brushes my hair back. My eyes are a little more adjusted to the darkness, so I can see his face better. He lowers his voice down to a whisper. “One day, when you’ve revealed your last secret to someone else, you’ll be free of him. I promise you that.”
“Maybe.” That’s all I say, and it’s honestly more than I have in a while. That one word holds so much power. So much hope. I hope I don’t regret it.
He releases a long breath like he was holding it for a moment. “I wanted to talk to you about something. I was kind of hoping you wouldn’t be wasted when we had this conversation, but I’m running out of time.”
Drunk brain or not, his words put me on high alert. “What’s up?”
He sighs, pulling me in closer by my waist. “This is my last week consulting with you guys. I’m moving over to TFX next week. Danny, our intern, is going to pull the final reports for you before the audit.”
“Oh,” I say. I can’t hide the disappointment in my voice. I knew this day was going to come eventually, but I never thought about how it would make me feel for him to be gone.
“Yeah, I wanted to tell you before, but I didn’t want to say it because I didn’t want it to end.”
My adrenaline kicks into overdrive. My heart rate speeds up, and my chest tightens with nerves. I swallow roughly, not sure how to respond. Not sure how he wants me to respond.
He inhales deeply like he’s nervous too. “I want to keep seeing you. Will you let me keep seeing you? Please.”
I squeeze my mouth shut, so that my smile doesn’t scare him away. I didn’t know what I wanted him to say before, but now I know I wouldn’t want it any other way. I try to play it cool still. Maybe he’s right and I am too drunk to have this conversation right now. I’m not using my head. I’m acting on my feelings.
“Uhm… what exactly are you asking?”
He falls back against his pillow and laughs. “Relax, Addison. I’m not trying to be your boyfriend.” He pushes off the pillow and turns to face me. “No, wait. Actually, yes, I am trying to be that, but I’m not asking that. Not today. Let me see you, say, Thursdays?”
I pause to think. “Like all Thursdays?”
“To do what exactly?”
He smiles at me like he knows I want him to keep pushing. “Just say yes.”
“I don’t want to just say yes,” I snap back.
“Do it anyway.”
“Yes. Thursdays.”