Page 61 of The Trolley Kiss
“Okay,” he says, falling back against the pillow.
“Okay,” I repeat back to him, wrapping my arm and leg over his body. “Now stop talking and let me sleep.”
He pulls me in closer, relaxing completely. “Goodnight, Addy.”
“Goodnight, Deck.”
I slam my front door shut and fall back against it.
Oh my God, Addison. What have you done?
I snuck out of Declan’s place first thing this morning before he woke up. It was technically still dark, but the sun started to rise when my Uber showed up. I was able to sneak out without waking him up, but I’m not sure if that makes the situation any better. At least I don’t have to see him today, so I can take the day to process everything.
I shake my hands out to try to ease some of my nerves. I’m not even really sure why I’m feeling so anxious. I want to continue seeing Declan. I do. That’s why I said yes.
But then does that make things more serious between us? That part scares me. It scares me so fucking much.
I didn’t want to talk to anyone about the situation. Not even Tiff. Not even with myself. I needed to distract myself. I needed to avoid.
I’ve been cleaning my place all day. Not even a speck of dirt can be found on my floor. The TV is blasting my music, and I turn it up louder every ten minutes because it’s not drowning out my thoughts enough. He’s still always there, making his way into my head.
Nine hours. It’s been nine fucking hours since I left his place this morning and still no word from him.
I know that’s on me. I’m the one who left without saying goodbye, so I should probably be the one to reach out first. I can’t though. I can’t put myself in that position, which is why I’m elbows deep scrubbing my bathtub.
I fall back onto my ass when my doorbell rings. “Fuck!” Ow, that hurt. I push off the floor and frantically fix my appearance in the mirror. It has to be him. Who else would show up at my door?
I pause at my front door and fluff my hair up one more time before reaching in my shirt and propping my tits up. I swing the door open with a flirty smile, but my face drops when I realize it’s not Declan.
“What are you doing here?” I’m too surprised to even pretend to be friendly.
He gives me a nervous laugh, which is fitting considering I’m thinking about punching him in the face. “Hi, Addy. Can I come in?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Can I help you with something?” I’m being cold, but if anyone on this planet deserves it, it’s him.
“Okay.” He looks around like he can’t keep eye contact with me. “I know this is out of the blue just stopping by like this, but it was really good seeing you the other day.”
I go completely numb.
I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. I’ve dreamed of this moment at night and during the day. I’ve imagined exactly what I’d say. I’ve thought about the makeup sex we would have. But now that it’s here, it’s the last thing that I want.
“Chris…” I try to find the right words.
“Look, Addy, I really miss you.” He steps forward, getting closer than I am comfortable with. He reaches out and touches my arm. I don’t immediately pull away because there’s still a familiarity there. “I miss us.”
He leans in closer, bringing his hand up to my face. I’m in too much shock to respond right away. He brings his face closer, and that’s when I realize he’s trying to kiss me. He’s actually trying to fucking kiss me right now.
I shove his chest, pushing him back. “What the fuck are you doing?” I shout.
He exhales a laugh. “What do you mean?”
“Is that why you’re here? You realize that’s never happening again, right?”
He shakes his head like he doesn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth. “What do you mean? You’ve been begging for me back from the moment I left.”