Page 73 of The Trolley Kiss
He comes up behind me as I reach in the fridge for a beer for him. He wraps his arm around my waist and inhales along my neck. “Why do you always have to make me want you so damn bad?”
I smile as he kisses along my neck. “Don’t get started. We’re going to miss kickoff.”
He steps back, taking the beer from me. “I’m sure we could finish in time.”
I don’t know what it is, but it’s like waiting a week to see him makes me crave him so bad. I want to be able to hang out, but it’s like I’m desperate for him.
I grab his hand and pull him over to the living room. I shove him down on the couch and fall down between his legs. “Addy?”
I yank his belt open and shove my hand into his pants, wrapping my hand around his already hardening dick. I squeeze it as I rub my hand up and down until he’s fully hard in my hand.
I pull his dick out of his pants, and it stands up straight on its own. I hold the base as I suck the rest of him in my mouth, slurping and licking as I bob up and down. “Addison! Jesus Christ!”
I pull back a little to tease him, licking up his cock and around the head. He curses a few more times, grabbing onto my hair. “Addy.”
He repeats himself when I don’t respond. “Addison, look at me.” I do as I’m told, and he continues. “Are you seeing anyone else?”
“What?” I giggle around his dick because I’m so caught off guard.
He hisses as a tremble runs through his body. “I just don’t-.” He pauses to groan. “I just don’t want to find out from someone else if you’re seeing other people on the weekends. I want to hear it from you.”
I pull back. “Are you serious right now? This is what you want to talk about?”
He pushes my head back down, sliding his cock further into my mouth. “I just want to know.”
I pull back again. “Are you?”
“Addison,” he pleads.
“No,” I say, running my tongue from the base to around the head. “No, only you.”
“Good,” he says, pushing my head back down again.
Thursday, Jan. 28
My eyelids are heavy, and I can barely keep them open. I’m waiting for Declan’s goodnight text though. He always texts me goodnight after our Thursday dates. He stayed way later than he should have tonight. Neither one of us wanted him to go, and I shouldn’t have been stubborn and actually asked him to stay the night. I couldn’t bring myself to do it though, and he didn’t even ask to stay.
My phone buzzes on my nightstand, and I reach for it immediately.
Declan:I don’t want to wait another week to see you. Let’s re-evaluate the rules.
Me:Okay, let me think about it.
Declan:Goodnight, princess.
Thursday, Feb. 4
“Pass me the gummy worms.”
Declan tosses me the bag of candy while biting down on a piece of licorice. I smile at him as I pop a worm in my mouth. “So, besides the girl who stole your credit cards, any serious relationships?”
He lifts his arm behind his head and gets cozy on my bed. “Why? You jealous?”
“Shut up!” I laugh. I crawl up his chest and hover my mouth over his. “And yes, insanely jealous,” I flirt, biting his lower lip between my teeth.
He digs his fingers into my back, deepening the kiss. He pulls back, smiling at me. “I like this idea better than talking about exes.” He grabs my ass, giving it a rough squeeze before swatting it.
I laugh, giving him one last kiss before rolling to his side. “C’mon, tell me.”