Page 17 of Ash
“Wonderful; I had hoped to arrange a meeting with you anyway, John, as I have some business to discuss with you. We can have a chat about it then,” the Russian said as he gestured towards the exit.
“Super!” John replied as he followed with the Russian’s sister and the man called Romi.
“We will look forward to it immensely,” the woman simpered and grabbed the Russian’s arm.
She chattered at him as they walked away, and my eyes narrowed when I saw how she pressed up against his side. A pang of jealousy hit me like a punch to the gut.
She should take her hands off my Mr Sexy Voice. I felt my anger rising. Wait, what?! No, not my Mr Sexy Voice. No, not mine. Definitely not mine! What the heck was I thinking?
‘And why couldn’t he be ours? If you weren’t such a wimp with men, he could be!’My inner voice chastised me, and I cringed.
I had an inner voice that often tried to get me into trouble. I was sure everyone had one, but mine was out of control at times. I referred to her as my inner devil because while I wouldn’t consider myself to be an angel in general, my inner voice was most definitely a devil.
It took quite a bit of effort to keep her in check at times. I often thought that she was the secret sassy side that I kept buried and that maybe I should let her out sometimes. Unfortunately, I was too much of a coward to do that. Although, considering how easily embarrassed I was, that was probably for the best. I wasn’t sure I could survive her if I let her loose. So, as always, I simply tried to ignore her.
‘Maybe you should listen to me, and you might be able to score an ultra-sexy man like that and have a bit of fun once in a while. Maybe even get laid!’she huffed at me. I groaned. Not only a devil but a horny one, too, it seemed.
“Geez, I need to get a grip on myself,” I muttered, shaking my head at my daftness as I stared after the departing figures.
Just then, Mr Sexy Voice turned around and headed back over with his sister. I saw Derrick watching me, trying hard not to laugh. Oh shit, how obvious was I? I was so not going to live this down.
I looked at my feet, cringing and wishing the ground would swallow me up. I avoided looking at the Russian and his sister as they returned to the main hall, afraid I was going to be caught ogling him yet again, and then I just knew I would die of embarrassment for sure.
‘You need to go for it, girl! Flirt with him, get his number!’my inner devil said excitedly. I ignored her again.
“Thank you for sorting out that situation, Mr Rominov,” I heard Derrick say.
“Never mind, it’s fine, forget about it. But it would be better to keep your waitress away from the main hall for the rest of the night. I would rather not have any more dry-cleaning bills or need to take any more annoying women to dinner,” he said, sounding irritated.
I glanced at him, but he wasn’t even looking at me. He was looking at his phone again and seemed distracted. I huffed. That was how he had bumped into me earlier.
“I will, yes,” Derrick agreed.
“Seriously?” I said before I could stop myself. Sexy voice or not, this was unfair.
He looked at me then, his lips pursed in a scowl, and my blood boiled.
There had been two incidents tonight, but I hadn’t really been to blame for either. Firstly, the jerk bumped into me, causing me to spill a drink over his sister’s hand, and then someone pinched my bottom, making me jump and sending a tray of desserts over that horrid woman’s dress. Both times, I apologised, but nobody apologised to me. He hadn’t apologised for bumping into me, and nobody had apologised that I had been sexually harassed while working. Yet, I was being punished. Just typical. Well, I wasn’t going to take that. Not anymore.
I had vowed to stand up for myself, and it was high time I did. I was pissed.
After I left poor Romi to deal with the Peacocks, I headed back into the main hall with Sonia. I knew Romi would return for me once he had dropped them off. I smirked at the thought. I was definitely going to get an ear bashing after foisting that hideous woman off on him.
I thought of the way she had pressed herself up against me, squeezing my arm as she batted those over-made-up eyes at me, and I barely suppressed a shudder. I wondered if her attention had moved to Romi now that she didn’t have me in her grasp? I snuck a look back over my shoulder and saw her clinging like a limpid to his arm as he escorted her to the car. It was wrong of me, but I couldn’t stop the snigger. Sonia looked at me, annoyed.
“What?” I asked innocently.
She just narrowed her eyes and then said evilly, “Just wait until Monday night; you will have a whole evening of dear Mitzie and her simpering and gushing all over you to deal with!”
I paled at the thought.
“Serves you right,” she sniggered.