Page 18 of Ash
My phone buzzed in my pocket again at that moment, and I checked it. Several messages had arrived. I would read them shortly after I’d spoken with Derrick.
“Thank you for sorting out that situation, Mr Rominov,” Derrick said as I approached.
I glanced at the waitress who had been berated by the irate Mrs Peacock, and my breath hitched.
My eyes quickly scanned her up and down, and I gulped.
Just my type, around five foot six inches, slim but curvaceous, with long blond hair in a high ponytail, gorgeous light blue eyes, and the most luscious lips I had ever seen. She was stunning! And blushing madly, obviously embarrassed by the scene.
I couldn’t stop staring, and my mouth had suddenly gone dry. I was speechless. I gulped again and tried to pull my eyes away from the gorgeous waitress so nobody would notice I was acting like a fool. Too late! I saw Sonia sniggering at me from behind the waitress’s back. That girl missed nothing. I blinked hard and found my voice.
“Never mind, it’s fine, forget about it. But it would be better to keep your waitress away from the main hall for the rest of the night. I would rather not have any more dry-cleaning bills or need to take any more annoying women to dinner,” I said.
I had intended it to be taken in jest, but it came out gruff, my voice sounding annoyed. Sonia grinned widely. Shit, I was going to get so much stick for this. I quickly looked at my phone again to cover my embarrassment.
“I will, yes,” Derrick agreed.
“Seriously?” the waitress said, looking at me aghast.
She was not just a beauty but feisty, too. Yes, she was definitely my type.
“I’m still being blamed for something that was an accident?” she stated, glaring at me with her hands on her hips and her lips pursed.
Oh, what I would like to do with that mouth. I felt my cock twitch in my pants as blood rushed south. Oh, heck, I needed to get my thoughts out of the gutter before what I was thinking became obvious. I huffed in annoyance. I gave the sexy waitress the once over again and pursed my lips to stop myself from licking them when my mouth dried up.
“If you were being blamed, you would be going home immediately instead of just being kept out of the main hall,” I growled at her.
Movement from behind the waitress caught my eye, and I scowled. Sonia was trying hard not to laugh at me and failing dramatically. Her eyes were bright with mirth as she silently chuckled at my plight.
The waitress, on the other hand, looked abashed. All the fight drained from her at my tone, and I knew I was being a jerk.
I didn’t understand the effect she was having on me, and it was disconcerting. I wasn’t used to such feelings, and I didn’t like them. Plus, my sudden inability to control my teenage-like hormones embarrassed me. I had ended up taking the annoyance I felt for myself out on her as if how I reacted to her was her fault. Not good. I felt shame at that realisation. This was unlike me. I wasn’t one to blame others for my problems. I knew I should remedy the situation, but I couldn’t think how to, so instead, I turned and walked briskly away from her.
I internally berated myself over my behaviour as I walked along the hallway of the staff area. I was angry at my inability to control myself around the waitress. No woman had had such an immediate effect on me, and certainly not such an obvious one. It had knocked me off kilter.
It probably didn’t help that I was horny. I hadn’t had sex in a few months. The girl I was in a casual relationship with had gone to work abroad when I’d refused to commit to anything more with her. Although I could get a woman if I really wanted to, I hadn’t replaced her. Not that I missed her or anything. It was simply because I hadn’t been bothered. Nobody had taken my interest until tonight. Obviously, it was way past the time I got laid.
I ran my fingers through my hair and wished I’d been nicer to the hot waitress. I sighed. I couldn’t believe I blew my chance. Or had I?
The shock of finding her so attractive had made me act like an untried teenager, but I was a grown man. I could control my emotions. I would get a grip on myself and look for her again later. I’d apologise and do my best to charm her out of her phone number. If I was lucky, I might even be able to charm her out of her panties.
I smirked at that, then cringed when I realised that she was the girl I had bumped into when Sonia had the champagne spilt on her hand. I had been so distracted at the time I hadn’t even apologised to her. Now, I’d been rude to her again so as not to show my own embarrassment. I doubted she’d be interested in giving me her number after that. Damn, I could kick myself! There had been too many emotions tonight and too many feelings I was no longer used to. I’d acted like an idiot, but at least I hadn’t made too much of a fool of myself. I doubt anyone else would have noticed.
Well, except Sonia.
As if thinking about her had conjured her up, I heard her running along the hall behind me. I cringed. She was she still sniggering. Only, this time, she was not even trying to hide the fact.
“Aw, is my big brother in lurve?” she asked in a silly, babyish voice.
“Don’t be ridiculous! I’m just distracted tonight, that’s all. We had another situation I am trying to deal with, and I have a lot on my mind,” I said, none too convincingly.
“Oh sure, that’s the reason your tongue was hanging out as you were ogling the pretty waitress,” she laughed.
“It was not!” I said, shocked. I knew I hadn’t been quite that bad. Had I?
She smirked at me knowingly. “Ha, maybe not in reality, but definitely metaphorically it was.”
“Oh, shut up,” I said, but I couldn’t stop my mouth from twitching as I tried hard not to smile.