Page 62 of Ian
“I’m so glad you didn’t get into trouble or fired.”
“Me too. Why did it take you so long to come back?”
“I had a few cases to wrap up. I didn’t want to make extra work for my colleagues because I was leaving.” She yawned. “I’m so tired. I’ve barely slept since leaving you.”
“Then let’s grab a nap, baby. I think we’ve earned it.”
“You know, I make good money,” he said.
“Where did that come from?”
“I just want you to know that I can take care of you.” He kissed her forehead.
“I don’t need you to take care of me. I can take care of myself,” she snapped.
“And here we go,” Ian said with a chuckle. Eden laughed.
“We are always going to disagree on some things, but I love you and we’ll get past anything that comes our way.”
“Damn right, we will, darlin’.”
She sat up, leaned down, kissed his lips, and then snuggled against him again. She smiled when his arms wrapped around her and held her tight. This was where she needed to be. Nothing could be better than this because she knew she would love this man for the rest of her life, and she knew he felt the same way. She mentallyshook her head thinking about when she first arrived at the Bur Oak, and a cowboy was the last thing on her mind. Now it seemed like Ian was always on her mind and she couldn’t imagine being with any other man.
She smiled as she heard Ian’s breathing deepen, signaling that he had fallen asleep. Resting her arm across his waist, Eden closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep beside her cowboy, knowing their love would last a lifetime.
Ian watched the group mount their horses and the ranch hands adjust the stirrups for them. It was a big group this morning.
“Follow Chip out, in a single file. Your horse will follow his with no problem,” Ian said as he looked over the group. “This is an overnight trip. Each of you have a sleeping bag and a tent rolled up behind your saddle.”
“I’ve never been on a horse in my life,” a female said.
Ian looked at her and she smiled at him, making him smirk. It never failed. There was always a woman who had never ridden before and needed help. He didn’t mind. He’d help them. It was his job, but he knew some of them faked it just to get a cowboy to help them.
“Just relax. The horse can feel your tension. They’re very calm but you don’t want them getting nervous.”
“Easy for you to say.”
“You’ll be fine.” Ian looked to the barn entrance to see Eden entering.
She walked to her horse, mounted, and looked at him. He grinned and rode over to her.
“Do you need your stirrups adjusted, Ms. Fairchild?”
“I do, Mr. Brennan. Do you know anyone who could help me?” She batted her eyelashes at him, and he knew she was teasing him about the women flirting with him.
He dismounted. “I might be able to help.”
Ian walked around to the other side, adjustedthe stirrups, and looked up at her.
“How’s that?”
She shrugged. “It’s okay.”
He bit his lip to keep from grinning, then moved around to the other side, and did the same.