Page 63 of Ian
“Let me know if that feels good.”
She smirked. “I have a feeling anything you do would feel good, but what do I know? I’m a city girl.”
He squeezed her knee. “I happen to like city girls.”
“Good thing, Brennan.”
Ian chuckled then mounted his horse and looked at the group.
“All right let’s head out. Chip, lead the way.”
“Yes, sir.” Chip raised his hand and signaled for everyone to follow him.
Ian stayed at the back as usual. A few women hung back too, including Eden. When she rode past him, she winked at him, making him chuckle. He loved her so much and thanked God every night for having her in his life.
As they reached the spot where they stopped before turning back, everyone dismounted. He glanced around for Eden but didn’t see her.
“She went to the creek,” Chip said when he walked by.
“Thanks, Chip. I’d better see what she’s up to.”
Ian rode to the creek and found her filling her water bottle.
“You need to hurry up,” he said.
He watched her stand, turn and glare at him. He bit his lip to keep from grinning.
“Just don’t you worry about it. I’ll only be a minute.”
“Do it now so we can get moving.”
“God! What a pain in the ass you are.”
“Come on, city girl, you’re holding up the group,” Ian said as he stared at her.
“Give me a damn minute, Brennan. I’m hot, and I want to fill my water bottle.”
“You’ve had enough time. Get on the damn horse, Ms. Fairchild.”
Eden turned around to face him and stalked toward him. She glared at him and placed her hands on her hips. Ian did all he could not to laugh.
“I will get on my damn horse in a minute. Quit being so damn impatient,” she snapped.
“You know you’re hot when you’re angry,” he said with a grin.
Eden sputtered out a laugh. “Stop. I’m trying to be pissed at you.”
“It looks like you’re having a hard time with that.”
She touched his leg as she stared up at him.
“I’m trying because I like making up,” she said with a smile.
“Not as much as I do, darlin’.” He winked.
“So, that’s why you pick fights all the time.”
Ian grinned. “You’re on to me.”