Page 64 of Ian
She sighed, walked to her horse, and mounted it, then turned the horse to climb the embankment. She glanced over her shoulder at him, grinned, then winked. He chuckled. He’d been right. Life was never boring with her.
They still argued but always made up. She drove him crazy, and he was sure she felt thesame about him.
Nudging Breeze, he followed her up the embankment and back to the riding trail. It was a hot July day, and everyone looked to be suffering. Eden had taken the day off, and he was glad she decided to spend it with him on the ride.
“If everyone is ready, we can get moving,” Ian said as he looked over the group. A few women smiled at him, and he gave a slight nod. He knew women would still come onto him, but there was only one woman he wanted.
The riders formed a line and Chip had them follow him. Ian stayed in his usual spot in the back and noticed the two women back there with him. As he glanced along the line, he saw Eden move her horse from the line and sat watching the riders pass by. He knew she was going to ride in the back with him.
Once the end of the line reached her, she rode beside him. The two women frowned at her, but when she raised her eyebrow at them, they looked away, making him grin.
“You’re killing my chances,” he said.
Eden burst out laughing. “Is that what I’m doing?”
“You know you are.”
“If you want a chance… have at it.”
Ian reined in his horse and grabbed her reins, making her halt her horse. She looked at him and he could tell she was trying not to laugh.
“What?” she asked him.
“I have enough on my hands with you. I sure as hell don’t need another woman.”
“Good thing, Ian Brennan, because if you everdo take a chance with another woman, you will no longer have balls.” She took the reins from him and rode off.
Ian shuddered. She’d do it too. He grinned. She didn’t have to worry. He loved her so much; no other woman would ever compare. He couldn’t wait to see what the future would bring. He spurred Breeze to catch up with her.
As Eden rode along beside Ian, she knew she had made the right decision to come back to him and Montana. She moved into his house when she returned in November, and they had a wonderful Christmas. She looked at the three-carat diamond ring on her left hand and smiled, remembering him giving it to her…
“Open this one,” he said, handing her a small, wrapped package as they sat on the floor before the tree.
“You’ve given me enough,” she said.
“I will never be able to give you enough.”
She leaned over, kissed his lips, and opened the gift. When she saw the small, black velvet box, she froze.
“Open it.”
“No? Why not?”
“Because it might not be what I’m hoping it is.”
He slid his hand under her hair and squeezed her neck.
“Only one way to find out, darlin’.”
She took a deep breath and slowly lifted the lid, stared at the diamond, then looked at him.
“It’s beautiful.”