Page 13 of Gentleman Sadist
He sighed then leaned in. "Look, you seem nice, but you're not really my type and I'm probably old enough to be your dad or close to it."
She wrinkled her nose. “My dad is in his fifties.”
He wasn’t far off, only a hand full of years to go himself. “Still, I’m old enough to know we wouldn’t work.”
“But, it’s my birthday,” she pouted.
“Happy birthday.”
A blur of motion on his left caught Robert’s attention and he went stock still. The man standing next to him reminded him of someone he knew. The guy raised his hand to wave down the bartender, giving Robert the chance to check him out. He wore a crop mesh shirt with a gladiator harness underneath. His leather pants hung indecently low on his hips, molding his ass with such perfection, Robert bit back a moan of appreciation. His gaze traveled lower and he spied the moto boots encasing his feet.Interesting choice.
“Sorry,” the man said, turning to Robert. Recognition flared in his kohl stained amber eyes. “Agent Famosa?”
“William Anders,” Robert said, extending his hand. “What a coincidence.”
The girl to his right made an impatient noise. “You’re one of those then.”
Robert held up a finger to Will then gave the young girl his attention. “I’m going to give you a quick life lesson.” He leaned in. “Am I gay? Yes. But my sexuality doesn’t define who I am. I’m also an FBI agent. Catch my drift?”
Her eyes widened as she backed up, turned, and wobbled away from him. When Robert returned his attention to Will, the man stared at him with acute awareness. The sexual tension between them had been ripe. It was suffocating at the museum, here, though it mixed with the pheromones of the people surrounding them, Robert drowned on the inexplicable pull building between them.
“Some don’t take a hint do they?” Will rolled his eyes and Robert chuckled.
“She definitely didn’t.” He glanced over his shoulder. “What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here tonight?”
Will grinned. "Girls Weekend." He motioned to a table not far from where they stood. Four sets of eyes stared in their direction. "They decided I needed some time away from home."
“Those are the best kind of friends to have,” Robert said. “Bachelor party for me.”
Will frowned and his shoulders sagged a little. “Oh, congratulations. Who’s the lucky person?”
There’d been a hint of disappointment in Will’s voice. It would have been so easy to play along with his assumption, but there was something in his gaze that bothered Robert. A sadness he understood above everything else.Loneliness knows loneliness.“I’m not the groom. My partner, Benjamin is.”
Relief washed over Will’s face and Robert wondered if the man knew how expressive he was. “The agent who accompanied you at the museum. Please give him my congratulations.”
“I will.” The six shots appeared in front of Robert. “Looks like my drinks have arrived. I’ll see you around.”
Will nodded. “Good seeing you again agent.”
“Robert or Rob. Never Bob or Bobby.” He smiled.
Will grinned. “Bobby is adorable. But, I understand, Robert.”
Gut punched by arousal, Robert gathered up the shot glasses then headed for the table not far from where he stood. He could kick himself. He should have invited Will over to their table or something. Leaving the assistant curator’s side tore at Robert and it didn’t make sense. He didn’t know the guy on a personal level, though he hoped to.
"Cute guy," Benjamin said when Robert placed the shots on the table. "Do you know him?"
“Museum.” He grabbed his shot glass and downed the whiskey. “It’s Mr. Anders.”
Benjamin’s eyes went wide before he swallowed his shot. “Holy fuck. The super straight-laced man is also him?”
“Yeah. Surprised the shit out of me too.” Robert took a seat. “What are we doing here really? This isn’t your scene.”
Benjamin laughed. “Last night as a free man.”
“We could have gone to the club. It would have been... Fun.” Robert glanced over at the bar while Will continued to wait for his order.
“We have a different interpretation of what constitutes fun,” Benjamin snarked. “You should go have fun with him. We’re all drunk off our asses anyway.”