Page 14 of Gentleman Sadist
Robert rolled his eyes. “Of course you are. Last night as a free man, after all.”
“Hell yeah.” Benjamin grabbed his beer and saluted Robert. “Have fun for me.”
Robert started for the bar once more. He’d had two drinks. Maybe three. The warm buzz he’d established loosened his gait a bit and allowed him to relax. He’d always been on alert. The business first, fun later, type. It made him an impeccable agent, but could also make him dull.All work and no play...Unless he was at the club. There he could forget about the real world and release his pent up emotions.
He saddled up beside Will and cleared his throat. “I’ve returned.”
“I can’t even get a bartender to pay attention to me.” Will frowned. “This place is packed and I’m getting a little impatient.” Even in the darkness of the club with the different colored lights flicking across the walls, timed by the music the DJ played, Robert noticed the flush of embarrassment coloring Will’s cheeks.
“Want some help?”
Will sighed. “That would be wonderful.”
Robert raised his hand then whistled. The harsh shrill noise hurt his ears, but it was also effective. The bartender glanced up and spotted Will and Robert. The man held up a finger then finished the order he’d been working on. “There you go.”
“Where did you learn to make such a horrific sound?” Will gave Robert his full attention, which also allowed him to gaze at the man’s body.
He was tall and rangy. His defined muscles were like the man, perfect. His chest was covered in a light dusting of brown hair and a thin strip ran down below his navel, past the waist of his pants. Robert’s dick gave a hard throb, agreeing with his assessment. He was in lust. He lifted his gaze to meet Will’s and the man stared at him with expectancy.Shit, he asked me something.“Uh, I guess I could always do it. It drove my mother crazy when I was a kid.”
Will smirked as if he’d caught Robert ogling him, yet decided to not call him out. “I bet you did.”
Seconds ticked by as they stood there. As Will lifted his arm to lean on the bar while he waited for his turn, Robert noticed the dark fingernail polish on the assistant curator’s pinky finger. Was it some kind of fashion statement? He tapped Will’s finger. “What’s this?”
Will held his hand up and grinned. "It's Angie's social justice experiment." He bent his head to whisper in Robert's ear. "It'll change color if there are drugs in our drinks." His breath brushed across Robert's ear and he shivered in arousal. Being as close as he was to Will, he could smell his cologne, a mix of spice and warmth, and also see the dots of sweat gathering in the little groove at the bottom of his throat.
“Are you worried about being drugged?” Robert cocked a brow, pulling his attention away from the man’s neck.
“Nope. But, you never know,” he answered.
“True, unfortunately. You have good friends.” Robert cut his gaze to the table where the five aforementioned friends sat talking amongst themselves.
“Thanks. Can you imagine they wanted to go to the bathroom in pairs?” Will laughed and the sound shot straight to Robert’s dick. The warm sound wrapped around him and he swore for a few seconds they were the only two people in the club.
“Not sure how the other men would feel having a woman step into the bathroom with you,” he answered.
“Exactly,” Will said. “I said the same thing.” After the bartender took Will’s order, he waved to the table where the ladies were sitting then motioned for Robert to follow him. “They’re going to like you.”
As they drew near, he frowned. Will didn’t have to introduce them, he knew quite a few of the women at the table through Covenant. “Kristen, Angie.” He nodded. “It’s a pleasure seeing you again.”
Angie’s gaze slid between Robert and Will. “It’s good to see you too, Robert.”
“We didn’t recognize you or else we would have joined you at the bar,” Kristen said. “How are you?”
Will’s gasp shot straight to Robert’s groin. Will didn’t present as submissive, nor did he present as a dominant, but looks were also deceiving. Since the moment he met Will, the man had been an enigma for Robert to study and unwrap.
“You’re a Dom,” Will said. The disbelief in his voice didn’t surprise Robert. There was a hesitancy in Will’s demeanor even when they’d been at the museum. Someone had hurt him, or he’d been let down several times, leaving him jaded and perhaps a bit confused.
“I am.” They made room for Will and Robert at the table and he sat. “Things are going well, Kristen. I didn’t realize you knew Will.”
“Don’t look so surprised,” Will replied. “I didn’t know you all knew each other either.”
Sassy boy. Robert’s gaze flicked to the five other women at the table. “Where are my manners?” He held out his hand. “Robert Famosa, it’s good to meet you.”
“Roxanne—Roxy to friends. It’s good to meet you.” She pressed her hand to the woman’s arm beside her. “This is my wife, Kayla.”
"Pleasure meeting you both." He then extended his hand to the remaining woman and smiled when she introduced herself.
“How do you know our Will?” Kristen asked.