Page 34 of Gentleman Sadist
Will winced. “I have a dog.”
“Good, so do I,” Robert replied. “I’m sure my husky will get along with your?—”
“German Shepard,” Will supplied.
“Anything else?”
Will shook his head. “No, not really.”
“Good. Then let’s get you back to the museum so I can start digging on this courier company.” Robert stood and held out his hand to Will. “I like having you on the back of my bike, but next time, you should be wearing street clothes. Preferably what you had on at the club last weekend.”
Will gaped at him then nodded. “Sure. I’ll remember that when I pack.”
Robert’s lips brushed over his. “Good. Let’s go.”
The remainderof the week passed in relative calm for Will. However, he couldn't step foot into his office without popping wood. Images of him and Robert tangled against the wall were ever-present in his mind. More than a few times his cheeks flushed with arousal whenever he thought about someone overhearing them or worse, walking in on them. He should have hated it. He should have been furious with Robert for putting him at risk of being seen, yet, like the cliche his life seemed to be devolving into, he couldn’t be mad. He enjoyed himself. The high from almost being caught lasted for hours afterward, even though their conversation over lunch had been pretty heavy.
Will was more than happy to help Robert with the case, especially if it meant returning La Carretera Solitaria to the rightful owner and clearing the museum's good name of any wrongdoing. Nevertheless, he'd caught himself several times throughout the day, reaching for his phone to call Liz to find out how she was doing. The media had a field day with the theft. Come to think of it, in the days following the break-in at TBMA, the media had done the same to him and his boss, Ted.
Robert had been right, though. Each museum had their particular security systems, but Lowe's went beyond normal protocols. They were cautious and stringent when it came to who could come and go from their restoration building. Knowing that, Will tried to come up with a plausible way for someone to get into the museum unseen and out.
He snorted.
Look at him being hypocritical. He couldn’t even explain how someone did the same with his museum. What authority did he have to nitpick someone else?
Will glanced at the time and frowned. Almost four. He needed to get out of there. Though they were inland a bit, not much, all of the windows on the front of the museum had been fitted with plyboard as had the rest of the businesses surrounding the area. A curfew was already in place for seven p.m. and the governor had warned those who were going to ride out the storm, they could spend several days without power or help, so he encouraged them to move inland.
When he called to let Kristen know there was a change of plans, he’d been relieved to know her and Devon, along with a few others, were riding out the storm at The Covenant. Of course, she had a million questions to ask, but Will didn’t want to talk about him and Robert or any kind of potential relationship spawning from one weekend. Though, if he were honest with himself, they were, in a way, hooking up. He shook the thought from his head. He couldn’t think about it, not right now.
Once he cleared his desk, he grabbed his things and headed out. The traffic was going to be a nightmare, he already knew it. He should have taken the day off to finalize the list of things he needed to do before going to Robert’s for the weekend. Thankfully, the crew he hired to put plyboard up on his bay windows had already called to let him know they were done. Which only left picking up Dio from the doggy daycare and going home to grab their things for the trip.
By six-thirty, he was on the road headed east. He'd been a little surprised by the fact Robert lived over his club. As Robert explained it, there was a main floor for the club with a second floor for private play and themed rooms. The third floor was for his, and the co-owners of The Pleasure Dome, Benjamin, Bruno, and Manic's offices along with security. The fourth and final floor had been remodeled into two Penthouse apartments for him and Manic. Benjamin, on the other hand, shared a house with his fiancé/soon-to-be wife.
Will scratched Dio's head as he crawled through the early evening traffic. Everything was changing for him. It'd been a while since he'd been excited to see someone. He used the storm as an excuse to see Robert, but even if a category-2 storm wasn't bearing down on the coast he'd like to think he would have offered to spend the weekend with Robert after their scene was over anyway.
He enjoyed the man's company. After the initial shock of meeting such a stern person wore off, he realized Robert was full of passion. He enjoyed life and loved his job. In a way, he reminded Will of his old self. The part of him he'd closed off to everyone when Tristan left. He also enjoyed the fact Robert gave and took what he wanted, when he wanted it, and how he wanted it. The agent's commanding presence made Will sit up and take notice. He also melted on command—though he wouldn't admit to any of that out loud, especially to his friends. They'd want to play the twenty question game with him and he... He chose to keep the whole thing to himself.
Again, hypocritical of him, since all of his friends gushed over their relationships with their Doms/lovers. But, he had a reason to keep quiet—he wasn’t sure it would work out. He could try to scene with Robert and everything could go wrong. What would be the point of getting their hopes up, or more importantly,hishopes up?
“I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” he muttered.
Dio whined.
“It’s okay buddy, we’re almost there. We’ll get out of this wet weather and traffic soon.” It’d been a long time since Tampa Bay took the brunt of a storm and because of that, people were losing their ever-loving minds.
By the time they pulled up to the club, it was already after eight. The never-ending line of cars had been due to three accidents in a span of thirty miles. One was bad enough a yellow sheet had been used to cover one of the vehicles. Will stopped at the gate and was greeted by a man instead of using the call box.
“Welcome, you must be new,” the man said. “Names Bruno, but my friends call me, Master Ace, because of my skills in the air.”
The third owner.Will tucked the tidbit away as he gave a polite smile. “I’m Will Anders and this is Dio, we’re here to see Buck and Ro—er—Master Robert.”
Bruno chuckled. “Robert told me to expect your arrival. If you drive around back there is a designated resident lot for parking. Then you can take the stairs up to Robert’s apartment or knock on the door, Manic will let you in.” He hit the buzzer for the gate, and it swung inward. “You should know, we’re having a hurricane party tonight. The Masters and owners thought it would be a good way to relieve some stress about the impending storm.”
A hurricane party? Will blanched. Did that mean he was expected to play publicly? Would Robert force him? His heart hammered. His stomach twisted with nerves and fear of being humiliated again. He could turn around and go home.Knock it off.It was too late to back out now. Besides, Robert wasn’t Tristan and he also wasn’t Mathias. He needed to stop comparing the two, it wasn’t fair to Robert or him. “Thanks.” Will swallowed hard. “I appreciate it.”
“Not a problem man, have fun,” Bruno said, allowing him to enter.
Will followed Bruno’s instructions and found a spot next to Robert’s bike. He pulled in then looked at his dog. “Well, Dio, ready to go make some new friends?”