Page 35 of Gentleman Sadist
Dio’s tongue lolled out of the side of his mouth before he snapped to attention. The soft warning growl he gave drew Will’s attention. His gaze followed Dio’s to the stairs leading to the Penthouse on the fourth floor. The old fire escape staircase had been remastered into a beautiful and elegant wrought iron design.
Robert raised his hand in greeting as he stepped off the bottom step and started across the parking lot. He wore a pair of those sinful jeans molded to perfection on his built form. The white button-down shirt he wore was paired with a blood-red corset vest showing off his tapered waist, wide chest and broad shoulders. It should be illegal to look that good.
“It’s okay, Dio. It’s Robert. You’ll like him. He’s a good man. Nothing like Tristan. Promise.” He scratched Dio behind the ear in reassurance then got out of the car to meet Robert. “Sorry it took so long, traffic was brutal.”
“I heard the same from a couple of other members.” Dio hopped out of the car and positioned himself beside Will and nuzzled his thigh. “This must be your fur baby?”
Will beamed. No one ever, besides himself, called Dio a fur baby. If he could, he would have called Dio his son. “Yes, he is. His name is Dio and he’s five. He’s a rescue from an abusive home, so he’s still learning how to dog.”
"Then he'll have a grand time with Buck." Robert knelt in front of Dio and offered his hand. "It's good to meet you, Dio. I'm Robert, your daddy's friend."
Dio eyed him suspiciously for a moment and Will held his breath. Dogs had a six sense about things and if Dio didn’t like him, well, Will would take it as an indication to not trust Robert. When Dio finally lifted his paw and placed it into Robert’s waiting hand, Will breathed a sigh of relief.
“So,” Robert stood, “can I help you carry your stuff up to my apartment?”
“That would be amazing.” Will cheeks heated. “You’re probably going to think I went a little overboard though.”
Robert laughed. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
Will opened the back of his SUV. He brought a bag for himself, Dio's bed, bowls, food, and toys along with the small round pen he bought for Dio when he graduated from his crate, just in case. "See. I think I overdid it."
Robert rubbed his chin. “From what I can tell, you have everything you’d need for spending a weekend away from home. Does he need the pen, or did you bring that as a precaution?”
“Precaution,” Will said. “I wasn’t sure how he would react to Buck, so I wanted a way to keep them separate if need be.”
“Good thinking.” Robert grabbed all of Dio’s things leaving Will’s bag and the dog food to carry. “Can he walk without a leash or should we put it on?”
“Dio, stay with Robert.” Will glanced at the other man and grinned. “He’ll walk with you, but he also likes to push boundaries.”
"So he's like his father, good to know." Robert winked at him as he called Dio. "Let's go see your new home for the weekend." Little did the agent know, Dio would follow him anywhere because he was holding onto his favorite toy.
After locking up his vehicle, Will grabbed the last of his things and started for the building. By the fifth stair, it began to sprinkle. He knew he was far enough inland to be safe for a little while longer, but he picked up his pace and stepped onto the landing of the fourth floor. He turned the knob on the door and stepped into a spacious hallway done in greys and soft white. Exquisite paintings were hung haphazardly, giving the space a certain charm to the area. The hardwood floor was done in dark walnut completing the area. He liked it. It reminded him of Robert's office, only with more lighting and a delicate touch.Speak of the devil...Robert stuck his head out the door of his apartment and grinned.
“I thought you got lost,” he teased.
Will snorted. “Not yet. I had to lock up the SUV and roll up the windows, it’s already raining.”
“That was quick.” Robert stepped aside as Will entered his apartment. “Welcome to my home. As you can see Buck and Dio are getting along like a pair of old friends.”
They were too. The pair were dropping down onto their front legs, their butts high in the air, their tails wagging as they talked to one another before pouncing and chasing each other through the living room.Dio needed this as much as I did, he realized, standing there watching the two pups make fools out of themselves.
“I thought if you wanted you could relax and freshen up. I left towels and soap in the bathroom for you to use as well.” Robert pointed down the hall. “If you’ll allow me to, I’d like to pick out your outfit for tonight.”
“Pick out?” Will canted his head.
“Of course, this is the only time I’ll ask. The rest of the time we play in my club together, I’ll be choosing the attire.”
Will stomach lodged in his throat and his heart sank. “W-Why?”
Robert stepped to him. "Don't be afraid. I know you have an extreme eversion to humiliation, so I won't make you wear anything you wouldn't feel comfortable in. If you're also worried I'll make you crawl around with a chain and collar around your neck, I won't have you do that in public. Private, however, is negotiable."
Will gaped at him. "I don't know what to say."
"We'll figure it out as we go, for now, relax and have a little fun. I promise tonight will be the best night of your life."
Well, when he put it that way... Will nodded. “Sure, okay. I can do this. Whatever you put out for me to wear, I’ll put it on. Scouts honor.” He held up three fingers.
Robert wrapped his arm around Will’s middle and tugged him close. “Good boy. It makes me happy seeing you trust me.”