Page 53 of Gentleman Sadist
Will understood the sentiment all too well. “But it worked.”
“Yep. It did. Jamison Robert Famosa is ten years old and the spitting image of me.” Then Robert hurried to add, “Which isn’t a bad thing, since Michael and I look so alike too. When we decided to do this, Meagan had several embryos frozen and though some have been unsuccessful, she is ten weeks pregnant today, and the doctors believe if she can make it to fifteen weeks without any complications, her and my brother will be welcoming another baby by the end of March.”
“We have more in common than I thought,” Will murmured. “I guess you can never judge a book by its cover, huh?”
“Oh?” Robert stared up at him.
"I helped Roxanne and Kayla." He bent his head to stare at his hands. "It's a long solitary process like you said. I filled the cup with my cum and they did their thing. The only difference, which is a huge difference, I'm the twins' godfather, and their guardian if anything should ever happen to Roxanne and Kayla. Also, like you and Meagan, I will be the father of all their children, should they decide to have more. Plus, when they are older, Roxanne and Kayla plan to tell them the truth. But, for now, I am uncle Will."
“You did it without hesitation, didn’t you?” There was a bit of wonder in Robert’s voice and it warmed a spot in Will’s chest. “You saw two people in need and just did it.”
"I guess, I did. They're my friends, and I knew I wouldn't likely have kids of my own, so why not do something to help out?" He shrugged. "The only hard part is telling a potential partner about them."
“Is that what was holding you back from me?” Robert tucked Will closer to him. “Were you afraid I would reject you?”
Will shook his head. “No. If you didn’t like kids it would be a nonstarter for me. As far as I am concerned those two bundles of love are my niece and nephew and they always will be. If my partner couldn’t accept what I’d done to help my friends, well, I don’t need him.”
“But, something is holding you back,” Robert said. “You run so you won’t be hurt. I figured it out while we were eating.”
"I do," Will agreed. "I'd say it's a habit, but that's just an excuse. I'm afraid, Robert. Last night scared the shit out of me. I've never in my life been so attuned to my partner. The whole scene and the sex—I can't explain it."
"You internalized your fears. The first opportunity you had to run, you took it because if it all fell apart, at least you didn't have to face it head-on. Am I close?" Robert hit everything Will had been feeling, right on the head. It was scary uncanny how he could do that.
“Yeah, I did. My last relationship,” he sighed, “didn’t end well. The guy left without warning. Or, maybe the warning signs were there, and I didn’t pay any attention, because I didn’t want to be seen as a failure.”
“You found the wrong Dom, so you decided maybe being vanilla was easier than being hurt,” Robert said. “I can understand where your train of thought was and why you wouldn’t want to say anything. I’m not them though.”
“No,” Will agreed, “you’re not. How did you know I would enjoy or even try to enjoy what we did last night? How did you know I’d be intothatkind of play?”
Robert laughed. “Truth be told, I wasn’t sure. Some guys hate it. Some say it hurts. I’ve heard of a couple of subs who’ve said they’ve experienced multiple orgasms after the fact when they urinate. I figured it would be the easiest way and best way to lay a trust foundation for us.”
“Yeah, nothing says I have faith in you quicker than putting a piece of steel down your dick slit.” Will snickered.
“You enjoyed it though,” Robert pointed out. The thick length of his jean-clad erection pushed into Will’s hip. It appeared both of them had.
“I did,” he answered, growing harder by the second. The thought of trying again, though it had pinched a little when he relieved himself earlier in the day, caused his whole body to flush in expectancy.
“Would you like to try again, sometime?” Robert prodded.
Will nodded. “Yes. I think it’s my kink.”
“Who’d have thought, my straight-laced assistant art curator by day, became a kinky sounding boy at night.” Robert captured Will’s lips in a searing kiss. He devoured Will with each swipe of his tongue until they were rocking and rubbing against each other.
Will broke the kiss first and took a deep, steadying breath. “We should go inside. Don’t need to give the neighbors a show.”
“For what I have in mind, we sure don’t.” Robert lifted Will off his lap. “Show me to your room, boy.”
Will led him through the kitchen to the stairs. Trepidation warred with his excitement. They were nowhere near finished with their conversation, but for now, he pushed it out of his mind. Instead, he took Angie’s and Kristen’s advice. He needed to stop overthinking everything. He should enjoy himself.
For one night anyway.
“This is my room.” Will pushed open the door. He’d never get used to the view from the floor to ceiling windows. The full moon hung over the gulf coast casting a shimmering silver hue across the water.
"Wow. You should have showed me this first." Robert stepped into the space, carrying his bag. He placed the satchel on the floor near the bed then continued to the windows. "I can see why you chose this house."
“It has its perks,” Will said.
Robert glanced over his shoulder. His heated gaze caressed every inch of Will. “It sure does.”