Page 70 of Gentleman Sadist
He glanced up into the hole. “What did you find?”
The agent peered down at him holding several different passports along with stacks of paperclipped money. “Found these.”
Robert took the passports from the agent and flipped through some of them, stopping when he found Will’s. “Interesting, since he just told us, we had the wrong guy.” Robert took the money next and put it into one of the evidence bags then did the same with the passports. “Keep looking. If he has this here, so is the artwork.”
Robert took the bags to the living room where Justin was sitting on the couch still crying like a little bitch. The hysterics were outrageous, considering the evidence found so far pointed to him at least being the man who stole from Will. He stopped in front of the man and placed the two bags on the table.
“Shit,” Justin grumbled.
“Did you really think the attic was the best place to stash this shit?” Then he held up his hand. “Don’t answer that, you wanted your lawyer first. Just know, this ain’t our first rodeo. We know most if not all the artwork is still here,Justin. Trust me when I say we’ll find it. Make it a little easier on yourself. Just tell us where it is. We’ll let your lawyer know you cooperated, along with the prosecutor.”
Justin stopped rocking. He glanced at Robert then to where the other agents were. “You’ll tell them I cooperated?”
“You realize we’re with the FBI, right?” Benjamin asked, pointing to his vest and the bright yellow/gold letters against the dark blue material. “We don’t lie.”
However, the rest was up to the DOJ who would be prosecuting the case. If Justin had more information on a bigger ring, then they might send word to the judge.
Justin glanced down at his feet and Robert gave Benjamin a hopeful look. Maybe, just maybe he’d fess up. “There is hidden storage under the boards in the hall.” He lifted his chin in the direction of where he’d hidden everything. “You’ll find all the paintings located there.”
Robert moved to the area in question. Looking for any irregularities in the wood panels. He smiled. Sure enough, there it was, a mismatched set of boards. Robert placed his fingertips on the panel and gave a slight push. The old board pushed up, exposing the hole in the floor, giving him a clear view of the priceless artwork. All in its original framing, laying on rotting wooden slats and floor trusses, in the swamps of the Everglades.
“Found it,” Robert shouted as he tried to take a quick inventory of the works. “Looks to me like all the paintings are here.”
Although, they’d have to take special care with each piece to make sure no additional damage was incurred from when it was stolen then transported back to their FBI field office. They had specialists on the payroll who were already dispatched to handle it, though. Robert hoped they arrived soon, so he could get the hell out of the swamp.
“Well, that was rather anticlimax, don’t you think?” Benjamin muttered.
He snorted. “If you’re looking for something more exciting, you got assigned to the wrong division.”
Most times, those who stole priceless art were non-violent criminals. Robert couldn't remember a time when he'd pulled his gun on a suspect. Which was a positive in his mind. If he wasn't shooting at them, they weren't shooting at him.
“Whatever,” Benjamin mumbled before turning his attention back to Justin. “We still need to talk more.” Benjamin sat on the rickety coffee table. “Let’s talk about accomplices. We need to know who you’ve been working with.”
If Robert had to guess, the people Tristan worked with had done the same thing he did with Will. Made a connection or tried to make one with an employee at each of the museums. Seeing as there were enough passports to cover each member of the operation, he figured they were all taken from someone they'd gotten close to, like Tristan did.
Justin sat silently; his lips pinched tightly closed. “Like I already told you, I want a lawyer.”
Benjamin sighed and Robert flipped his notebook closed before he tucked it back into one of the many flaps on his vest. More agents arrived on scene once they'd given the all-clear. They were the cleanup crew. It was their job to photograph all the evidence and make sure it arrived at their forensic lab in Orlando. It wasn't until after the recovery team arrived to transport their suspect to the federal lockup at USP-2 Coleman, that they made their way back to the boats, Justin between them.
There was little conversation on the boat and then the helicopter ride back to the prison. Once they left Justin in an integration room to stew while he found a lawyer, Robert pulled out his phone and clicked on Will’s number.
He picked up on the third ring. “Master.”
Robert grinned, knowing his lover must have been alone. “Beautiful boy, I’ve got good news for you.”
“Oh, goodie. I’d love some good news, today’s been crazy.”
His gaze flickered to the closed door where Will’s ex sat. “We have arrested Tristian and we’ve recovered some of the items he stole from you.”
"I don't care about my things, Robert. Everything he took from me; it can be replaced." Robert bit back a smile. He could tell Will was over Tristan. Not that he had any worries about it before. It was just nice to see, or in this case, hear it in his lover's tone. "What I need to know is if you were successful in recovering all of the stolen artwork and if any of it was damaged."
He chuckled at Will’s impatience. “And if any of it was? Planning on coming down to federal lock up to kick Tristan’s ass?”
“I could be tempted,” Will threatened and then sighed. “Now is not the time to screw with me,Robert. I need to know about the condition of the artwork.”
“But it is fun screwing around with you, Will. So very fun.”
“Robert,” Will bit out.