Page 71 of Gentleman Sadist
Robert chuckled. “We recovered it all. From what I could see, none of it looked damaged. Still, where it’d been stored wasn’t the best conditions.”
He blew out a breath. “It can be fixed. I’m thankful you could find all of the pieces. Thank you, Robert. You have no idea what you and your team have done today for the art community. I’m glad it’s over.”
“Me too, beautiful boy. Me too.” Robert said as Benjamin walked toward him. “Chances are, I’m going to be late. You okay if I come to your house when I’m done here?”
“What about Buck?”
He smiled at his lover’s concern for his dog. “I’ll call Manic, he’ll take him for a nice long walk, feed him, and if Manic doesn’t have plans, he’ll take Buck back to his place, so he won’t be alone.”
“Ok. I’ll grab something on the way home for us for dinner.”
“Works for me. Listen, I have to go. Most likely you won’t hear from me the rest of the day. I’ll just be showing up tonight.”
“Be safe, Robert don’t worry about what time you show up,” Will replied.
“Always, beautiful boy. Always.”
Robert disconnected the call and pocketed his phone. “He call his lawyer yet?”
Benjamin laughed. “Yeah. He was pretty methodical in how he picked one too.”
“Let me guess, dumbass opened up the phone book, picking the first one who looked competent enough?” Robert cocked a brow.
Benjamin nodded and laughed. “Pretty much.”
He shook his head. “Awesome. How about we go grab some food before it becomes impossible to leave.”
"Sounds like a plan." They started down the hall toward the exit. "So, did you talk to Will?"
Robert nodded. “He was more concerned about the art than he was about his money or passport.”
Benjamin smirked. “Yep, you got one of the good ones. I better be your best man when you marry the guy.”
Robert grunted. “You’re on. Just, let’s not do my bachelor party at some night club again. I’m getting too old for that shit.”
Benjamin patted him on the shoulder. “Okay, old man. I’ll make sure it’s a tame event at the old folks home.”
Robert flipped him off and laughed. “Fuck off, asshole.”
“I’ll get you a walker too,” Benjamin added as he climbed in behind the wheel of his car. “Maybe some Metamucil and Geritol.”
Fucker. Robert shook his head as he got in beside his partner. At least now, with the case closed and their prime suspect in custody, Robert could take a minute to enjoy himself. Hearing the relief in his lover’s voice also helped. “You’re paying for lunch.”
Benjamin snickered. “Sure. Should we make sure all your food is soft and safe to eat too?”
Robert sighed. “I swear...”
His partner held up his hands. “Easy, old man, we don’t need you having a heart attack on us.” They sat there for a moment longer before Benjamin turned to him. “Good job out there.”
“Same, man. I never thought we’d get to this point.”
"Yeah, me neither." Benjamin fist-bumped him. "Who'd have thought some kid ran this whole operation."
“Goes to show, you never really know people until it matters most,” Robert said. “Now, it’s up to us to make sure Justin goes away for a long fucking time.”
"From your lips to the judge's ears," Benjamin said before pulling out of the parking lot.