Page 12 of Siriarna
“The situation on the Surface World has escalated. The message is that you must act now. Zeus wants the new students sent in to see what they are made of,” states Hermes, the most trusted messenger of Mt Olympus.
“I don’t believe the new Propensity students are ready,” sighs High Power Omnisensus.
The conversation has halted and the sound of footsteps moving closer to the door I am leaning against, makes my heartbeat race. I move backward only catching bits and pieces of the remaining conversation.
“In that case, I will disperse a group from The Core to act as a backup team. They will only intercede if necessary and will keep a low profile. I don’t want the first-year students knowing they have help on hand,” commands Hermes.
A golden flash of light shoots under the doorway signalling Hermes has left Evolirium. I make a hasty retreat to ensure I don’t get caught snooping.
Before Simeon commences today’s lesson, an announcement orb zips into the classroom at light speed directing all first year Propensity students to the Grand Auditorium.
Students are mingling, chatting, and guesstimating why we have been summoned. I see Roman and the TON enter together. He tries to catch my eye, but I pretend I haven’t seen him in the crowd, even though with his height, he is hard to miss. Instead, I turn sideways to Eloise and strike up small talk.
From the corner of my eye, I watch Roman’s shoulders drop. The disappointment at the way things were left between us a couple of weeks ago plays on my mind. But much as I want to, I can’t bring myself to deal with him right now. I am conflicted because I want to rush over and pretend all is well in the realm, but I just can’t process that he is quite literally, sleeping with my enemy.
“Please, take a seat everyone,” instructs High Power Omnisensus.
All forty-six students move toward the chairs, neatly placed in rows.
The Authority clears his throat and begins. “The great Hermes has delivered us a mission to Earth.”
A loud, simultaneous gasp fills the room. Then, all students start chatting excitedly at once.
“Silence,” he booms.
All eyes are fixated on the Authority as he continues, “There is a situation on the Surface World that we must take care of immediately. Earth’s core has been compromised and needs our intervention. A team will be created to undertake this mission. Instructions have been given to your Propensity Leaders. They will explain further steps and actions. I need everyone tostay calm. Selected semi gods are to prepare for immediate departure. Go now.”
Students make a beeline to their Propensity Leaders in a stampede, completely ignoring the Authority’s keep calm instruction.
Avoiding the compounding chaos that has eventuated, Simeon weaves our small group from the Auditorium. Once in our classroom, he leads the discussions with an outline of the mission. Two candidates from each Propensity will form the mission team and will attempt to heal the Earth’s core at the source. If unsuccessful, all mortals within the vicinity are to be evacuated. It is a huge task and one not to be taken lightly.
All five Electrical First Year Propensity members, including myself, look solemnly at Simeon with nervous energy. The mission is dangerous and unexpected for our first, but the honour of being selected is at the forefront of all our minds. I know I will not be part of the electrical pair heading to the Surface World. Whilst my skills have improved, I do not have the same level of control the other members do. With this knowledge, I breathe a sigh of relief. I know I’m not ready.
All eyes are focused on Simeon; Mykos hasn’t blinked since we entered the classroom.
“I have selected both Mykos and Siriarna. Both of you are to return to your huts, pack a light satchel of belongings and meet in the Knowledge Room immediately.”
He leads by example and moves through the room.
“Yes Sir,” Mykos gloats and immediately follows, leaving me standing dumbstruck and awkward amongst the remaining Propensity members.
“Would you consider sending me, Sir?” Frasier asks desperately.
His request is unheard because Simeon is no longer in the room.
I glance at Eloise and Astrid?their faces say it all. They are furious.
“Hey guys, I’m not sure why I was chosen,” I say nervously.
“Of course you do, Siriarna,” replies Astrid.
“I really don’t, please don’t be angry,” I beg.
“Always privately chatting with Simeon. Getting extra lessons every morning behind all our backs,” Frasier spits into the conversation.
“That’s not true, I am only asking for help to keep up with the rest of you guys,” I respond.And to keep my thoughts from pining for Roman.
“Itistrue what everyone says about you Siriarna. Not only are you magic basic, but you are also a liar. From now on, stay away from us,” Eloise fumes.