Page 13 of Siriarna
With that, my remaining three Propensity members turn their backs in succession and storm out. I am left standing alone in the middle of the classroom.
Returning to the Knowledge Room with my satchel packed, I find Simeon waiting at the top of the spiral staircase. As I approach, I am mid-sentence asking why he selected me for this mission. He simply raises his hand and I stop my speech.
“Siriarna,” he starts anticipating my question. “You have read the entire encyclopedia on all things Electricity,” he continues.
“So, what?” I shrug.
“You have more knowledge than any other Propensity member and your powers are strengthening every day. I witnessed the way you remembered the chant on the mountain field trip, and the way you kept your composure. You will be an asset to Mykos and the entire group.”
Conversation over, he descends the staircase to the Reading Hub.
I’m not sure I agree with his assessment. I am nervous, but a spark of excitement tingles through my body at the prospect of entering another realm.
As I descend the staircase, I see all other Propensities are represented by their coloured training uniforms spread throughout the space. Each chosen member, together with their Group Leader, is sitting on the couches awaiting further instruction from High Power Omnisensus. I am the last to arrive.
My excitement at seeing Roman is soon extinguished. Alexandraya is the other member of the Light Propensity.
I should have known she would be here.
She catches my eye, smirks, and rubs her leg against Roman’s. It sickens me to watch, so I avert my gaze to the other Propensity representatives. Our motley group consists of twelve Semi Gods: Mykos and I from Electricity; Roman and Alexandraya from Light; Leister and Henry from Darkness; Julius and Brooklyn from Water; Thea and Rebecka from Earth and, finally, Braxton and Sage from Time.
I settle my gaze on Braxton and start to relax, thankful for a friendly face.
“Thank you for your quick response everyone,” commences High Power Omnisensus as I take my seat.
“You will be transported to a safe house located close to Niagara Falls in the third continent. According to the all-seeing Oracle, there is a crack at the very core of the Earth, leaking toxic fluids. If the liquid reaches the surface, the atmospheric pressure will cause an explosion. The crack lies beneath the whirlpool at the base of the falls. You have five days to complete your mission.
“As this is your first time travelling through the vortex, directly leading into a mission, you will need to manage your realm transition quickly and combat the travel lag. Ensure youblend into the mortal society, and any powers used remain undetected.”
He hands each of us a vial of liquid on a chain. “The Alchemy Laboratory has prepared a communication elixir. This liquid can be used to signal each other in matters of urgency, unforeseen circumstances, or in case you become separated. It is also a direct link through the realms, able to reach me here on Evolirium. Drink the liquid and chant the words ‘let me see what will be’ and add the name of the person you wish to communicate with. It will bring a small communication orb into your palm. Be aware, the magic only lasts a minute or two so be hasty in your messages. Each of you will carry one vial. Use them wisely, work as a team. Remember to save a vial to indicate the completion of your mission and set about your return.
“Good luck and may the gods be with you.”
Instructions complete, he clicks his fingers summoning a chariot to meet the group in the outer rim of the Zen.
Students and leaders are standing together when the chariot arrives. It is drawn by four divinely dappled-shaded immortal horses who come to an immediate standstill directly in front of us. The charioteer launches a ladder over the side of the vessel and instructs our group to board.
With a final salute from the six Propensity Leaders, the chariot departs, taking flight swiftly. Within minutes we are whisked into the idle darkness of the Vortex.
Our first mission has now commenced.
In a mere snap, we are landing in a realm none of us have ever visited. The chariot is shrouded in a misty veil of glamour. The veil keeps our arrival hidden from the mortals of the Surface World.
The journey was quicker than I had expected, and it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust from the darkness of the vortex to the brightness of the Surface World.
“Whoa, what a ride,” Mykos voices shaking his head, a huge grin spread across his face.
“Oh my gods above. This place is surreal.” Brooklyn says in awe as the chariot departs and the glamour veil dissipates.
We are standing on a smooth concrete pathway, shadowed by a stone clad high-rise apartment building directly in front of us.
Despite Evolirium being modelled to deeply resemble the Surface World, for ease of adaption when performing missions, I am struck by the differences immediately. The towering height of the surrounding buildings being the most significant.