Page 37 of Crossland
And it was even rarer for everyone, including spouses and girlfriends, to have the time off to attend both.
The fact that I had my entire chosen family in one hotel suite was the only thing that took the sting out of losing to Asher’s team.
It was a close game, one that I spent half of my time watching Aspen enjoy more than I did watching my players. I couldn't help it; it was sexy as hell to watch her cheering on my team from the owner’s box that Asher and I shared that night.
She had no qualms about rubbing it in Asher's face every time we scored, but in the end, the Reapers had pulled out a win. Aspen had been supportive through the loss, taking my hand in a comforting squeeze once the clock ran out.
Asher had been doing his fair share of gloating during dinner, or as much of gloating as Asher allowed himself to do, but now we were all back in the villa I'd rented for all of us, and we were gathered in the living room for after-dinner drinks.
I lingered behind the marble kitchen island, playing bartender and mixing up several requested gin and tonics forAspen, Daisy, Alexandra, and Brynn. Then I poured whiskeys for myself, Asher, Ethan, Weston, and Gareth.
“Are you sure you don't want a drink?” I asked Serenity, who had been left with a few security details that we’d demanded remain outside the villa. Her father, Doyle, was unfortunately included because of the poker game, but he’d gone out for the night. And thank fuck for that. I didn't want that asshole mucking up an already losing night.
“No, thank you,” Serenity said, her voice so soft it was almost like she never spoke up or she’d been reprimanded enough about being loud that she'd trained herself not to. And from what I'd seen of the interactions with her asshole of a father, I was betting on the latter.
Sympathy pricked me as I noted her gazing longingly at my friends that had gathered with their drinks among the plush sofas and armchairs in the center of the living room that connected to the kitchen.
I hated that she likely felt separate when it came to our little group, although she’d become a staple part of it since Doyle won a seat in our monthly game. The man rarely traveled anywhere without her, but treated her like this prized commodity that wasn’t worth respect or affection. And that was just what he showed us.
“How about a mocktail?” I asked her. “I make a mean cranberry and soda with lime.” I smiled at her, reaching for another crystal tumbler.
Serenity's eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly.
I quickly mixed the ingredients before passing her the glass and motioning for her to join us in the living room.
“I haven't played that game since college,” Gareth grumbled as we joined the group.
Serenity split off from me, electing to sit on the floor near where Gareth sat in an armchair. It almost looked comical, thesweet and innocent-looking Serenity folding her legs beneath her near the grumpy, fierce-faced Gareth. Maybe she gravitated toward him because he’d spoken on her behalf when Doyle berated her, but I always thought there was something more there, even when Gareth constantly assured me there couldn't be.
“What are we playing?” I asked, taking a seat next to Aspen where she sat on the love seat.
Asher, Daisy, Brynn, and Weston took up the sofa across from us, a little mahogany coffee table situated between us. Ethan and Alex sat just to the right of us, Alex on Ethan’s lap where he sat in the other armchair.
“Daisy wants us to play Never Have I Ever,” Brynn explained.
I cocked a brow at her.
“What?” Daisy asked innocently. “It's for book research.”
I barely held back a laugh. I eyed Asher, who told us just enough about her book research to make her request for this game viable.
“I'm in,” Aspen said, raising her hand in the most adorable way.
I leaned back against the love seat, effortlessly smiling down at her eagerness to play a game with my friends. She’d folded herself into this group without a hint of hesitance. It didn't matter that this was a contract between us, she was unequivocally and unapologetically herself.
The only thing fake about her was our relationship. That fact sat heavy on my chest for a few moments, but I shifted in my seat, distracting myself from the feeling by taking a moment to admire how freaking beautiful she looked sitting next to me.
She still donned the Calgary jersey I'd gifted her that morning, with black leggings accentuating her long legs that she’d tucked beneath her, a pair of rainbow socks covering herfeet. Her colorful hair looked silky soft and almost iridescent thanks to the crackling fire roaring behind us.
“Crossland?” Ethan said my name like he'd said it a few times before, and I blinked out of my appreciation of Aspen, slowly drawing my gaze to my friend.
“Hmm?” I asked, and my friends chuckled.
“Are you in?” Ethan asked.
I quickly realized they were asking me about the game, and I nodded. “I'm so in.”
“Yay!” Daisy clapped and raised her glass. “I'll start us off and whoever wants to go next can, and so on and so forth. Got it?” Everyone nodded, and she smiled. “Never have I ever used restraints in bed.”