Page 38 of Crossland
Every single person in the room took a sip of their drink, openly admitting that they had, in fact, used restraints…Except for Serenity.
I was shocked to see Aspen drinking too. I cocked a brow at her, and she smiled with a shrug.
“Why do you look so shocked?” she asked, her voice lowered between just the two of us while the others laughed and joked among themselves.
“I didn't know you were into that kind of thing,” I admitted.
“You never asked,” she said so simply I suddenly felt foolish fornotasking.
But in reality, I had no business asking.
We weren't actually dating, regardless of how real that kiss felt last week. Jesus, every time I thought about it, I had to lock down my muscles to not take that thought any further. She'd been so damn responsive, giving me every bit that I gave her, and it made me think all sorts of little things about just how responsive she'd be in other areas.
Nope. Can't go there.
“Never have I ever kissed a stranger,” Alex said, continuing with the game.
Everyone but Aspen, Serenity, and Brynn took a drink.
Interesting. Aspen had never kissed a stranger. I made a mental note to thank Daisy later for bringing up the game. I was suddenly learning more intimate details about Aspen than I'd ever thought to ask before, and I thirsted for every new answer.
“Never have I ever role-played,” Brynn said.
Everyone but Serenity drink.
And while I was gobbling up the details about Aspen like an eager boyfriend, I couldn't help but feel sorry for Serenity, who had yet to take a drink on any question. Just how sheltered had Doyle kept her all these years? It wasn’t a bad thing to not have these experiences, but that was only if that washerchoice. With the way Doyle kept her cloistered, I highly doubted it was up to her.
“Never have I ever saidI love youto a partner,” Daisy said when no one else offered a question.
Everyone but Aspen, myself, Serenity, and Gareth drank. And yeah, I guess that one was pretty obvious since the rest of the people in the room were all either technically engaged or married.
“Never have I ever sexted,” I said raising my drink to my lips. Everyone but Aspen, Serenity, and Gareth drank.
Aspen eyed my confused look, then shook her head. “If you have something to ask me Crossland, just ask me.”
I smirked, loving how she didn't hesitate to call out what she could clearly read on my face. I leaned closer to her, making sure we were the only two that could hear. “How is it that you have experience with restraints, but you've never sexted? I know they're both a trust thing, but you think one would come before the other.”
“It is a trust thing,” she said.
“So you trusted someone to restrain you but not to sext you?”
A delightful little flush rushed over her cheeks. “Who said that I was the one restrained?”
My lips parted, shock barreling through me at her sassy little remark. The idea of her being the one to tie me up completely unraveled me, almost so much that I damn near missed the next question.
“Never have I ever had sex in the office,” Asher said, immediately raising his drink to his lips. Weston, Ethan, Brynn, and Daisy followed suit, leaving Alex, Aspen, myself, Gareth, and Serenity to not drink.
“Never have I ever come within five minutes,” Weston said.
Not one of my male friends drank, and where I expected all the women in the room to drink, only Alex, Brynn, and Daisy did.
Serenity didn't.
Aspen didn't.
“Oops,” Weston said, his eyes widening as he noted Aspen’s lack of drinking before he gave me a squeamish look.
The same look that Asher, Gareth, and Ethan were now giving me.