Page 27 of Rage's Bounty
“Give me your bike,” Slick roared, throwing Jett his own keys. Jett hopped off as Siobhan spun her tyres and sped towards them. Her helmet was black, as was her visor, and Slick couldn’t get a look at her face.
He swung onto Jett’s motorbike and took off after her.
This time, he wouldn’t lose her.
Drake was happily complaining, “This situation is a mess, and the cops will arrive soon,” as he surveyed the scene.
“I’m on the call to Ramirez and updating him,” Ace stated, moving away from them.
Hawthorne raced past the two of them and headed for the building. As he approached, the door swung open, and Arturo appeared carrying a wounded Jace.
“How bad,” Hawthorne demanded.
Arturo carefully lowered Jace to the floor. “Gut shot. Need an ambulance,” he answered and put pressure on Jace’s stomach.
“I’m here,” Klutz bellowed as his bike skidded to a halt, and he jumped off with a medical kit. Everyone moved away as Klutz dropped to his knees and began rendering first aid.
“Ambo and cops are on their way,” Ace said.
“Guess we’re all spending the night in jail.” Drake sighed.
After Phoe’s banishment, which still rankled, he had been hoping to snuggle and fuck his wife into oblivion tonight. It seemed unlikely that would happen. He wasn’t too worried; it wouldn’t be the first time he’d been locked up.
A black SUV with sirens on top skidded to a halt, and Drake glanced up as a woman jumped out. She scanned the mess as another guy climbed out and stared at them.
“So, the Venomous Fangs brought their war to Black Hawk,” the lady finally said. “I’m Chief Anne Dyer. Who’s who?”
Everyone spoke their names as they crowded together in a group.
“What happened?” Chief Dyer asked.
“We were doing some recon. There’s word of something sketchy happening at a warehouse nearby. Jace and I were five hours into our shift when the Fangs arrived. They began shooting before we could do anything, and I called for back-up,”Arturo explained. “Jace was hit in the first volley they fired at us.”
“And back-up included Rage MC?” Chief Dyer said, amused.
“We were in the area,” Drake announced.
“So, if I check traffic cams, I won’t see Rage racing to the rescue from Rapid City? Don’t play me for a fool, Drake. Are any of them alive?” Chief Dyer demanded.
“Not sure. They were firing blindly,” Ace replied.
“Nobody’s bothered to check their pulses? Williams, do the honours, please,” Chief Dyer ordered and folded her arms.
“We under arrest?” Drake asked, needing to know.
“Did Rage start this?” Chief Dyer inquired.
“No, but we ended it,” Drake answered honestly.
“From what I can see, I wouldn’t disagree. Isn’t it lucky for Rage MC that I got wind of a gang of biker thugs approaching the city today with the intent of tearing my town up? It’s also very fortuitous that I deputised some friendly bikers to help patrol my streets and protect my residents? Of course, the paperwork is back at the office, and I’m sure you’ll all agree to give a statement there,” Chief Dyer said with a raised eyebrow.
Drake stared at the woman, not believing his ears. Was the Chief of Black Hawk helping them out?
“There’s a war coming, heading straight for Rapid City. Chief Howser and most of the other chiefs around this area have been having fortnightly meetings. We know what this group, Manticore, who runs the Venomous Fangs, intends for RC and the surrounding towns. We refuse to tolerate their behaviour. So, deputising helping MC members and PI investigators, as long as their records are clean, is a strategy we’re happy to employ. Of course, it helps that we’ve both the congressman and senator signing off on this particular policy,” Chief Dyer continued.
“Very helpful,” Drake murmured.