Page 28 of Rage's Bounty
“Obviously, it can’t happen too often, but when one of our towns is threatened, I’m sure we’ll have volunteers to help. After all, this Manticore and the thugs they run threatens all of us here locally. I am grateful that you and your friendly allies have offered to step up and be deputised when needed,” Chief Dyers said.
Beside him, Hawthorne snorted. The Chief couldn’t be more obvious with what she was saying. Drake was also amused. He’d not expected this reaction. In fact, his wrists were aching from where he’d imagined cuffs tightening around them.
“Rage MC and our allies will always be happy to help out law enforcement, no matter what,” Drake replied, sending his own message.
“That’s the understanding Detective Ramirez and Chief Howser gave me. BHPD is very grateful that you prevented the bloodshed of innocents in our town today. We’ll take any witness statements, and I’m certain my boys will provide doughnuts and coffee if you can all make your way to the station?”
“Doughnuts? Hell yeah, I’ll be there.” Calamity grinned.
“Of course, Mr Hawthorne, I’m sure you’d like to accompany Mr—”
“Jace,” Hawthorne offered.
“—Jace, to the hospital. We’ll take your statements there. And I will release your men asap to join you there.”
“That’s very kind of you,” Hawthorne said as an ambulance screeched around the corner, followed by two black and whites. Everyone apart from Klutz moved back to allow the paramedics to handle Jace.
Klutz stood up. “I can come too, but I arrived after the event and gave medical aid. Would you need a statement?”
“Yes, that would help determine that the Fangs were targeting innocents,” Chief Dyer responded. “Thank you for your support today.”
With that, Chief Dyer got back in her car, left Williams behind, and carefully backed up, avoiding the four black and whites now parked up.
“I’m Detective Williams. I’ll trust you can all make your way to the station?”
“Sure thing, detective,” Drake answered. He nodded at his brothers, and they all began walking in the direction of their bikes.
“Drake,” Detective Williams called.
Drake paused as the detective approached.
“While I will always side with the law, what’s happening with this Manticore group and the Fangs is gonna be bloodthirsty. You keep on the side of right, and we won’t have problems,” he said in a low voice.
“Detective, all Rage wants to do is live in peace. Fury and his band of assholes wish to destroy that and control our cities and towns. Rage will go down fighting to protect the way we all wish to live. And that means a good life, detective, one with mouthy women, bratish children, and happiness. If you understand that, then you know it’s worth fighting for,” Drake replied.
“I get it. My woman is as mouthy as they come, and we’re expecting our first. See you at the station,” Williams said and walked off.
Drake headed for his bike. Despite the violence today, it was a good day. Rage had found another ally.
Siobhan raced out of Black Hawk with him on her heels. Finally, she pulled up at a rest stop on the I90 near Piedmont. She stopped the motorbike and swung her leg over, facing him as he approached.
“What do you want?” she demanded before he’d even turned his bike off.
“Your identity,” Slick said.
“Not a chance.”
“So, you’re not Siobhan O’Riley? Irish’s granddaughter?” Slick struck hard.
She was good. He had to give her that. The helmet covered her facial expressions, but her body language remained relaxed.
“No idea who she is,” the woman Slick was convinced was Siobhan answered.
“Remove your helmet,” Slick ordered.
Siobhan laughed. “Take a hike.”