Page 29 of Rage's Bounty
“Do it, or I will.”
“You can try, biker boy, but you’ll lose.”
Slick growled and moved closer to her. The fact she remained loose-limbed gave him pause. He recognised that from Artemis. Whether she looked it or not, Siobhan was poised to strike.
“Why do you keep turning up and saving Rage?” he asked, changing tactics.
“Who says I am? Maybe this once, but you can’t prove I’ve done it before,” she retorted.
“No, I can’t prove it was you at the other scenes, but it would make no sense for you to be here today. Let’s cut the bullshit. Tell me why you’re helping.” Slick spread out his hands.
Siobhan stared in his direction intently, though he still couldn’t see her eyes.
Slick wondered what she was thinking about.
Finally, she spoke with a cock of her head. “That place doesn’t do bad coffee. Meet you over there.”
“Deal,” Slick agreed.
He was gonna get his answers at last.
Chapter Six.
He followed Siobhan across to the truck stop, half expecting her to run, but she didn’t. Without a word to each other, Slick watched her slender figure enter the diner and let her pick a table. He noted how Siobhan chose one where she could put her back against the wall and watch the door. Slick decided to trust her and sat opposite. No sooner had they done so, than the waitress scurried over.
“What ya want?” she asked, giving Slick the once over.
“Coffee and a menu,” Slick replied, avoiding the greedy glint in her eye.
“And I’ll take the same,” Siobhan said and removed her helmet.
Slick nearly choked on his tongue as he stared at the beautiful woman in front of him.
Siobhan’s hair was cut short, about level with her chin, and was silver. Slick knew instantly that was her real colour. Dark green almond-shaped eyes cooly studied him, and he noted her pert nose and plump lips. The high cheekbones gave her the air of a waif, but Siobhan was all beauty. Despite Slick’s curiosity, his cock twitched in reaction to it. He slapped it down withimages of Summer and concentrated on who he believed to be Siobhan.
“Name?” Slick asked.
“Siobhan O’Riley. I go by Irish,” she responded, and Slick nearly pumped his fist in the air. Rage’s intel had been right. She was Irish’s granddaughter.
“That was your grandfather’s road name,” Slick replied.
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Siobhan retorted.
“What are you?”
“A woman,” Siobhan quipped, and Slick narrowed his eyes.
“Honey, you get what I mean. You’ve been trained by a government agency or something. Where are you getting your intel? Why are you so determined to protect Rage?”
“Who says I’m protecting Rage? Maybe I like pissing off Fury.” Siobhan picked up the menu the waitress had dropped off.
Despite Siobhan’s relaxed body language, Slick knew she was hiding information, and whatever it was, it would be horrible.
Siobhan’s gaze flicked to him. “Because Fury pissed me off, and I am an eye for an eye girl,” Siobhan replied.