Page 30 of Rage's Bounty
“Asshole did something to you,” Slick guessed.
Siobhan nodded and pursed her lips as the waitress approached, then amusement hit her eyes. When Slick glanced at the waitress, his stare immediately sought to avoid her. She’d undone a few buttons showing cleavage and had primped her hair.
Oh, Jesus, he thought.
“Wanna order?” she inquired in a husky voice.
“Siobhan?” Slick offered, deferring to her as he grabbed a menu and quickly ran through it.
“A bacon double cheeseburger with fries, onion rings, and corn on the cob, please,” Siobhan said. “And I’ll also take a vanilla milkshake.”
“That sounds good; make that two of those, and add wings,” Slick added. He waited for the waitress to disappear and turned to Siobhan.
“What’s your story?” he demanded.
Siobhan clearly pondered how much to tell him before speaking.
“Grandad left Rage when Bulldog was in charge, I’m sure you remember. He ran in nineteen-ninety-four before I was even born. But Dad was twenty back then when Grandad made his decision. Bulldog was trying to force Dad into the club and make him do illegal shit. That’s when Grandad walked.
“Dad joined the army. He loved the life, and he met my mother on leave. They fell into instalove, as Mom used to say, and she moved onto base with him. When Dad had to go on tour, Grandad would come and stay and ensure we were okay. We were pretty tight-knit,” Siobhan began.
Slick nodded.
Siobhan had a faraway gaze in her eye, but her voice was unemotional. She was stating facts, not feelings.
“Like every father out there, mine worried about me being taken advantage of, so Dad ensured I knew how to fight from an early age. That was something he and Grandad heavily agreed on. Grandad believed that Bulldog would come for him. Even when he heard the news that Rage was clean, Grandad never stopped looking over his shoulder. He sensed something bad was coming.
“When I was seven, Dad came back in a body bag. That nearly broke us. The army kicked us off base, and Grandad found us a new home. We lived together for years, and at eighteen, I was recruited by the government. They paid for my college while I did some work for them. No, I can’t tell you which branch or what I did. Don’t bother asking. With their training, I became a lethal weapon.
“Grandad and Mom didn’t know, and I visited when possible. Then, when I left college at twenty-two, I worked for the department full-time. Luckily, my cover had a lot of downtime, so I could spend holidays with them and visit often. However, I had an apartment elsewhere.
“I was coming home for one holiday when I was twenty-three, two years ago, and as I turned the corner of their street, a group of bikes rode past me. I caught their patch and some of their names. Fury was at the front.”
Aw shit, Slick’s gut twisted as he guessed where this was going.
“Fuckers killed Irish and your mom?”
“No. They abused and slaughtered them. As I pulled up to the house, I sensed something was wrong, so I entered carefully. The downstairs was empty, but I found them in Mom’s room. Mom had been stripped naked and raped. Beaten many times. Even in death, Mom’s face retained a look of sheer horror. She’d also been sodomised; Fangs had completely tortured her.
“Worse, they’d forced Grandad to watch. He’d been battered and cut up badly and had been tied to a chair, and his eyelids glued open, so Grandad had to see what they did to my mother. Broken-hearted, I called in a cleaning crew and then quit my job. My handler gave me what I needed to track the Venomous Fangs down. And I’ve been doing that ever since. Fangs know I’m out there; they’ve tried taking me down plenty of times. Fury is beside himself; the asshole wants me found and buried alive. Unluckily for Fury, I have eyes and ears in his sanctum. I know everything that fucker plans as soon as he does so.”
“That’s why you took your grandfather’s nickname,” Slick said.
“I’m sorry about Irish and your mother. Damn, I can’t imagine the horrors they suffered,” Slick murmured.
“Oh, I can. After all, I saw their faces, their bodies, and I know what suffering Fangs caused. I won’t stop until the Venomous Fangs are wiped from the earth and long gone,” Siobhan snapped.
“Nobody can fight alone,” Slick said and jolted at Siobhan’s laugh.
“What do you think I’ve been doing for the last two years? My agency wouldn’t approve a vengeance mission. I’ve been working alone since they died. Don’t patronise me, Slick. I’m no fool.”
Slick started to reply and closed his mouth as the waitress approached with their food. She placed it down and asked if they needed anything else. Once Siobhan refused, Slick said thanks and sent the woman away.
“Didn’t think you are. But are you over your head? Yeah, I’d say so,” Slick replied.
Siobhan leant forward, anger blazing.