Page 38 of Rage's Bounty
“Attack!” Slick bellowed before he considered what he was seeing. Autumn, Silvie, and Lindsey were all close to him.
Without a second thought, Slick was bending and picking Silvie up carefully and racing to the clubhouse with her. Autumn and Lindsey chased behind him.
“Attack!” he yelled again as Rage and the Unwanted Bastards were slow to react. The beer and liquor had been flowing freely.
Drake cursed as Phoe and Artemis raced for the old ladies, both with weapons out.
Slick carried Silvie into the clubhouse and placed her gently on a chair. “You armed?” he asked.
“Yes.” She nodded.
“If it ain’t one of us coming through that door, you shoot,” Slick ordered as Lindsey and Autumn approached. They grabbed the armchair and began dragging it backwards with Silvie still sitting on it.
“Will do,” Silvie promised.
“Follow Phoe and Artemis’s orders,” Slick stated to the other women approaching and disappeared outside. Just as he ran out, Carly belted in, accompanied by the sound of bullets being fired. Slick checked her over and gave her a push to safety.
Popping his head out of the door, he saw the dust cloud was on top of them, and shots were being sent blindly into the yard. The dust cloud was created by bike’s wheel spinning. Almost everyone had taken cover and shot back, but Slick noted two Unwanted Bastards down on the ground. One was Bomber, the Unwanted Bastards Enforcer, and the other was Pink, a brother. Bomber was moving, but Pink laid still, his face turned to the sky.
Slick couldn’t tell if Pink was dead or alive, but Bomber was closer to him. Bullets pinged around the guy as he sought to move.
“Lay down cover,” Slick yelled.
Rage opened fire instantly, swiftly followed by Unwanted Bastards. Slick dashed out from the doorway and grabbed Bomber by the scruff of his cut, then heaved the man backwards and behind a low wall that surrounded the clubhouse.
“How bad?” Slick asked.
“Shot to the leg and gut. I’m okay. Pink took several as he went down,” Bomber gritted out.
A small hand touched Slick. “Check Pink,” Artemis said as she opened a first aid box.
“Stay down, okay?” Slick demanded and waited for a lull in the shooting.
“Cover fire!” Slick yelled again, and a rain of bullets headed towards their attackers. He raced out, and without checking Pink, hauled him backwards.
Behind three kegs, he hid and glanced down at Pink.
Sightless eyes stared back at him, and Slick sighed. Pink was riddled with bullets; he’d not had a chance.
A body fell through the gates, followed by a second. Pipes roared, and the attackers began to flee. Slick saw a third man fall and guessed Irish was somewhere out there.
He raced for the parked motorbikes and flung his leg over the first one. He didn’t even notice he had taken Inglorious’s bike as he headed out. Loud pipes growled, and Slick knew there were brothers at his back. The bikes ahead were letting off smoke bombs and mixed with the dust, making shit hard to see. Slick did catch sight of a Venomous Fang’s cut, which named Florida as the home chapter.
He just had to follow the dust cloud for now, and they’d get their revenge eventually.
A Harley racing down a small hill caught his attention. The rider had her arm raised, and she was pumping it and pointing towards the compound.
Slick frowned. It was most definitely Irish, and she was trying to tell them something. Slick could see her mouth moving as she came closer.
“Turn back. Ambush. Ambush!” Irish shouted as she approached them.
Slick looked at the biker on his left, Inglorious, who glanced at Irish.
She hit the road beside them and continued yelling. “Ambush! Up ahead, an ambush!”
Slick saw the indecision on Inglorious’s face. “She’s with us,” he yelled to the infuriated president.
“Trust her?” Inglorious demanded.