Page 39 of Rage's Bounty
Irish sent them both a glare.
“Yeah,” Slick shouted.
Inglorious struggled briefly before signalling for everyone to turn around. The cost of doing so weighed heavily upon his shoulders, Slick noted. Inglorious wanted revenge for the attack, but if Irish was right, Inglorious couldn’t risk more men being hurt.
Silently, they rode back to the compound with Irish beside Slick. No sooner had they parked than Inglorious was off his bike and seeing to the injured. Psych met him, and Slick left them to talk as he gazed at the woman who’d stopped next to him.
“If you’d continued, there was at least thirty more waiting to ambush you just down the road,” Irish stated and pulled her mobile out. “Fury was with them.”
Slick snarled as she showed him the pictures she’d taken.
“Send them to my phone,” he demanded, rattling off his number.
“One dead, more injured,” Gunner announced in his approach.
“How many Rage?” Slick asked, feeling sick.
“Savage, Mac, Lex, and Ezra. Ambulances are coming from Monument Health Lead-Deadwood Hospital, the closest hospital they’ve got. Police are incoming, too. Unwanted Bastards have three down, and one dead,” Gunner murmured.
“Pink,” Slick stated grimly.
“He didn’t stand a chance,” Gunner replied.
“He’ll live, he’s the worst injured, but all seven need a hospital,” Gunner explained.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” Slick said as he glanced at Irish.
She held his gaze as Gunner walked away.
Slick felt his stomach churn. Yet again, Irish had saved them.
Chapter Eight.
Slick was looking at me like he wasn’t sure whether to throttle or hug me. I decided not to give him the chance and grabbed the helmet from the back of my bike.
Before I could shove it on, strong hands grasped my forearms, and a mouth landed on mine.
My eyes were wide open, and I could see it was Slick.
God damn, though, he knew how to kiss.
My eyelids closed, and I sank into it before I realised what was happening and pulled away.
“What the hell?” I exclaimed angrily.
Slick looked confused and then ashamed. “Shit, sorry! Irish, I didn’t mean anything. Fuck, I’m seeing someone,” he sputtered.
“Yeah, so what the fuck?”
I was well aware of Slick’s interest in a woman called Summer. He’d begun dating her last week, and from what I’d seen, he was very interested in her. Which made kissing me a terrible idea, even if Slick knew how to kiss.
“I don’t know! I just had to kiss you,” Slick whispered, pale.
“Are you some sort of cheat? Summer’s your main go-to, and I’m the side piece? Asshole, I don’t do that shit!” I snarled as my temper rose.