Page 113 of Their Starlight
IDIOT 2: Approx. 15 men on the inside, not including Syd and Keith.
IDIOT 2: All armed.
ME: Move on to the next part of the plan. Let me down and I’ll kill you along with all the others.
IDIOT 2: I’m well aware.
“Elle’s okay, they have her roommate, and he’s injured,” I tell Lance and Hayden in a hurried whisper, knowing Peter and his guys can hear me through our earpieces. “Fifteen targets inside before we get to Sydney.”
“Copy that,” Peter’s voice sounds in my ear.
“What do you want doing with the fifteen?” I ask my cousin. “Once Sydney’s taken out, they would be your men.”
“No one walks away alive,” he answers, a cold calm in his voice that scarily reminds me of his father.
“Been a while since I’ve done this,” the voice comes over the radio again.
I huff a laugh. “Think you’re up for the challenge, old man?”
“Watch it kid, or I’ll take you down with the rest of them.” My smile grows, I like the Maxwell’s security.
“Make it quick and quiet,” Lance says, bringing us back to the task at hand. “Take out as many as you can but Sydney is mine.”
I look at him, concern for my little cousin warring against my worry for my princess. He feels he needs to be the one to take out Sydney, anyone else would face repercussions from Sydney’s loyal followers and could be made a target. But killing a parent, even one as awful as Syd, is not easy. I won’t argue with him again, but I grasp his shoulder and bend my head to look in his eye. He squeezes my wrist by his cheek in silent confirmation.I’m doing this.
Okay then. Here goes.
“Fall in,” I command, and we encroach.
The door is unlocked, telling me they aren’t expecting an ambush. I slide through the front as Peter and his men cover the rear. The first of the fifteen is retreating up the corridor with his back to me. I approach on silent feet, slap my hand over his mouth from behind and slit his throat with the drop point bladefrom my belt. He’s down and drowning in his own blood within seconds. Quick and quiet.
One down, fourteen to go.
I slide my knife back in its sheath on my belt, switching it for my Glock, already prepared with the suppressor attached. I come to a corner and press my back to the wall, open my phone’s camera, and angle it to peek around the corridor. Two more guards are approaching, they are armed but unprepared. Quickly, I hold up two fingers to Lance and Hayden, who nod in understanding. Spinning into the open corridor, I aim and fire twice, hitting the first guy between his eyes and the second dead centre of his face. They both fall before they have a chance to make a sound.
I drop my arm, crouch to the ground and check over the dead men to see if they have radios or anything else to connect them to the others. I don’t notice the approaching guard until Lance’s gun goes off above my head, taking him down with two shots to the chest. None of these goons are wearing protection, making it easier to take them out.
“Thanks,” I say, standing once again.
“Don’t mention it,” Lance smirks at me.
“We’ve got three dead,” the voice in my ear whispers.
“We’re already on four, keep up, old man.”
A loud groan and some shuffling sounds through the earpiece before he comes back on. “Consider us caught up.”
Eight down, seven to go.
The door to the stairway creaks loudly as it opens and we slink through as stealthily as possible, making our way up a rickety old staircase with nothing but the green emergency exit signs to light the way. We make it up to the second floor without seeing another person and it makes me nervous.
“We’re going straight to the third floor. Sweep the second before coming up.” I send the order over the comms.
“Roger,” Peter confirms.
We’re making our way up the next flight, keeping close to the walls, when another loud creek sounds.
“Hey!” A shout come from behind as a kitted-out guard raises his rifle to us. I’m turning to take him out when a quiet pop hitsmy ears and the guy flies back. He lands with a thud against the metal stairs and writhes in pain, howling.