Page 114 of Their Starlight
Hayden holsters his gun—cursing himself for not killing him in one shot—and approaches the guy slowing bleeding out from the hole in his middle. My friend doesn’t think twice before taking his switchblade and finishing the job with a slice to his neck.
As far as I know, Hayden has never killed anyone before, but you wouldn’t know that with the way he stares down at his victim with nothing but contempt before joining us again.
“You good?” I ask quietly.
He nods and jerks his chin to indicate we should keep moving.
“We just took out one from the second floor, there may be more, keep alert,” I tell the others.
“Just finishing our sweep and we’ll join you upstairs,” Peter says. “Eleanor is the priority, get her safe.”
Nine down, six to go.
We’re no longer outnumbered.
Time to make our presence known.
After his initial panic when he first got here, my father seems to have recovered, slipping on a mask of professionalism as he sits across from Sydney spewing his plan for world domination. Well, not quite world domination. From what I’ve gathered from the limited attention I’ve been paying to him, Sydney wants Maxwell Shipping to transport illegal items from drugs to weapons to women across the globe. Free of charge.
Dad’s expression gives nothing away, staring at Lance’s father with nothing but boredom as he drones on. I’m more concerned about Gray next to me who seems to have passed out.
“Gray? Bitch, talk to me,” I plead with him. He looks asleep, pale and sweating. Panic sets in and I send a prayer to anyone who’s listening that we get out of here soon.
To my surprise, my father starts asking Sydney questions about his proposal.Is he seriously going to go along with this?
Bang. Bang. Bang.
I jump as gunfire is heard from the corridor outside. Sydney stops talking and looks to his goon, who takes a gun from his waist and heads toward the door, cracking it slightly to look out into the hallway. He comes away, shaking his head at Sydney and goes to the other door to do the same.
“What’s going on?” my dad asks nervously, standing from his seat.
“Nothing,” Sydney says. “Sit down.”
“Are we in danger?” Dad doesn’t sit but takes a step toward me, putting himself between me and my kidnappers.
Sydney laughs, “You were in danger the moment you got here.” His cruel eyes focus in on my father, a chilling smirk on his face.
Another round of shots is fired outside but sounding closer this time, too quick for me to count.
They’ve come for me.
I can’t help the smile twitching at my lips. Luckily my dad shields me from Sydney as I don’t think he’d be too happy to see it.
Sydney’s man comes running back to us, grabbing my father from behind and pulling him to his chest as he points his gun directly to his temple. I gasp as Dad’s hands go up in surrender. Sydney stands just behind his man, shielding himself from the door as it swings open and the three people I want to see more than anything on this planet walk through.
Brent leads the way, followed by Lance, then Hayden. They’re all in black, stab vests on, weapons strapped anywhere they fit, and black fingerless gloves. Under any other circumstance I’d probably gush over how fucking hot they look right now, but I’m too relieved they’re here. Brent spares me only a quick glance before he zeroes in on my father being held captive by Sydney’s man. Lance comes to stand by his cousin’s side, that mask of cool indifference firmly secured as he glares at his father.
“Let Maxwell go, Keith.” Brent says.
Keith? FuckingKeith? Honestly, I thought he’d have a gangster name like Bronson or something, butKeith? He’s gone down a notch on the scary scale now.
“Guns down,” Keith demands.
Brent puts down the large firearm he’d been holding close to his chest as Lance and Hayden place handguns down on the floor. “There, now let him go.” Lance says.