Page 26 of Their Starlight
Watching Hayden while Lance was so close, his hot breath regularly skimming over my neck, had got me hot and bothered. My underwear was wet and there was a deep ache in my core that had me fidgety.
“You okay?” Lance asked, brushing some hair off my neck before kissing me there.
“Uh…yeah,” I breathed. “I…um…I just have to use the bathroom. Be back in a minute.” I gathered up my handbag and headed for the ladies’ room, hoping to cool down and probably wipe myself up down there so I wasn’t walking round slick and uncomfortable.
The club had three individual unisex bathrooms and, considering the club was packed with students, they were nice. Bold coloured wallpaper covering the top half of the walls and black panelling taking care of the lower half. There was a proper vanity unit and a large mirror backlit with warm lighting. I leant against the vanity and took a deep breath; the mirror showed the flush over my chest and up my neck and it made me smile. God, I’m a lucky,luckywoman.
The door swung open and I was turning to tell the person that this room was occupied, but Hayden appeared in front of me. Closing the door behind him, he flicked the bolt locked, something I probably should have done myself, although I was finding myself pleased I didn’t.
“Can I help you?” I purse my lips as though scolding him, my pulse was running a mile a minute and I could feel my cheeks sucking up the flush from my chest.
“I think it’syouwho needsmyhelp,” he smirked, stalking toward me.
“How so?”
“I’ve been watching you squirming on your seat for twenty minutes. Are you feeling needy, baby?” Reaching me, he slid one hand into my hair and tugged so I looked up at him. His other hand slid into the waistband of my jeans and he grabbed at a fleshy cheek, pulling me into him.
“A little,” I confess, pulling my lip between my teeth and running my hands down the front of his fitted black shirt.
“Hmmm,” he rumbled, stroking his nose along the tip of mine. “Tell me what you need, baby.”
“You,” I breathed.
His grip tightened in my hair and he bared his teeth slightly. “Be. Specific.”
My heart was now hammering and I was almost entirely relying on Hayden to keep me upright. “I want you to fuck me, Hayden. I want your cock filling me.”
My words seemed to snap something inside of him and he crashed his lips to mine. There was nothing soft or sweet about his kiss, he bruised my lips and fucked his tongue into my mouth the way I wanted him to fuck me elsewhere. His hands went to my skinny jeans and unbuttoned them, shoving them along with my underwear to just above my knees, he turned me round so forcefully I had to catch myself on the vanity.
Hayden took two fingers and swiped them along my slit and up to my puckered hole, rubbing my juices over the unbreeched entrance. “No one’s been back here, have they?”
“No,” I panted. My whole body trembling as I found myself pushing against him.
“I’m going to be the first, baby. Tomorrow, while Lance fucks your sweet cunt, I’m going to take you here.” The tip of one finger pushed through my barrier and I gasped at the intrusion. A slight burn as he stretched me quickly turned to a filthy pleasure and I moaned deep within my throat. “You want that, baby?”
“Yes, yes please.”
“Right now, I’m going to have your pretty pussy, hard and fast. You ready?” His dick was out and in hand before he’d finished his question.
I started to nod but then a thought crossed my mind and I had to ask Hayden, just as I had asked Lance. “Are you in this, all the way?”
I could see his smile in the mirror behind me. “Oh, baby.” He leant in so his nose was by the shell of my ear. “I plan on keeping you.” With that, he sunk his cock all the way into my pussy all while keeping his finger in my other hole.
I was delirious and found my release quickly, followed close after by Hayden. We washed up and straightened our clothes, parting outside when he went back to work and I went in search for Lance, I couldn’t wait to tell him where I’d been.
Iwas so happy when I received my final results and realised that I would in fact be graduating from university. The first in my family to do so. The kid who barely scraped by at school would be getting a degree. And, yeah, I might have only got into university because of Sydney, and Elle gave me a nudge in the right direction to get help I was totally entitled to, butIdid it.Iearned that degree. I couldn’t wait to tell Mum; she’d be so proud. But Elle was the first person I’d wanted to tell. Elle’s smile often played on my mind and I was practically vibrating at the thought of putting it on her face.
But the universe had other ideas. I got home that day to find Elle on the couch, Hayden laying in her lap, not an unusual sight, it was Lance sat next to her with his arm draped over her shoulders that had me stopping in my tracks. The intoxicated smiles on all three of their faces and the way Elle nuzzled into Lance’s neck confirmed that something had happened while I had been out.
Before I knew it, it was two days before graduation and it had been a week of the three of them sharing Elle’s bed. A week since the unspoken rule had been broken and it was cemented that nothing would ever happen between Elle and me. She was officially his.Theirs. I wasn’t entirely sure what their set up was. Did Lance and Hayden fuck too? I had noticed Lance looking at his friend in a way I couldn’t decipher at first, and then a year or so ago it hit me; he was attracted to Hayden. I didn’t care if Lance wanted to fuck Hayden, I mean, have at it, you know? But the fact that he’d claimed Elle stung like a motherfucker. It shouldn’t. It’s not like I would have been able to have her for myself anyway. I had no interest in the women familiar with the life we led, and I couldn’t bring an innocent into it.
Surely Lance felt the same? He wouldn’t bring Elle with us after university. That was my one saving grace, this would be ashort-lived pain. Elle was graduating tomorrow and Lance, Hayden, and I graduate the day after; we would all be going our separate ways. Well, Elle and Hayden would be going their separate ways. Where Lance goes, I go. For the first time since I’d started with Lance, I resented that slightly. I didn’t get the girl. He wanted her, so I couldn’t. I wouldn’t be using this fancy degree that I’d ended up working so hard on because my job was Lance. It wasn’t his fault, I’d chosen this. I’d sealed the deal with a handshake and wrote my own fate. You don’t retire from this. You can’t hand in your two week notice and move on to a desk job. I sometimes think I was a little hasty in taking this job, but then I remember I’m really fucking good at it.
I felt like three years of uni-life had made me soft, made me want things I knew I couldn’t have. I’d grown up in a big, loving family, my parents were soulmates and I believed that with all of my heart. We were instilled with family values and my sisters were my life for so long. When my dad died, I had to step up and look after my family. Mum didn’t want me to take after my father, she didn’t want me to go to my Uncle Declan for a job. But I did, and it stung when he said no. I made money in underground fights and taking freelance security gigs. I made enough of a name for myself that Lance was able to persuade his father, technically my uncle though I’d never thought of him as such, that I was perfect as his personal security. I decided the sizable pay cheque and almost infinite resources that came with the job were the best way of looking after my family, so I signed on the proverbial dotted line. It took me a while to realise everything that I had given up that day; the reason Mum had never wanted me to go into this life. I would be financially stable for the rest of my life and I was lucky that I’d found family in Lance, but I wouldn’t have a wife and two-point-four children. I wouldn’t subject a family to this life, to losing a husband and a father because of a deal gone wrong.