Page 80 of Boss from Hell
It was me who was changing the rules. I started this affair with the intention to enjoy the present, and yet here I was back to planning a future with him again.
I was glad when my mother rang and asked me to pass by her place for coffee. I needed to get out of my own head. Max hadn’t texted me with new work by the time I left the office so I figured he must be really busy.
Not hearing from him made me sad.
Rose rang as I was closing up and asked me to pick her up on the way to Mom’s. I texted her to come out to the car when I got to her place. My melancholy felt contagious and I didn’t want to go in and say hello to the girls and Dylan when I was in such a lousy mood.
Rose noticed it as soon as she entered the car. “Tough day?” she asked, sympathy in her voice.
“Sort of,” I said, not sure how to classify my day. I’d not told Rose about Max yet.
“Come on, out with it,” she ordered.
“I think I’m in love with my boss.”
“What?” she shouted, looking at me with a horrified expression.
I said nothing.
“Are you serious?”
I didn’t look at her, I just nodded.
“So you’re sleeping with your boss,” she said slowly.
I took a deep breath. “Yes.”
“Why, Lillian?”
“I couldn’t help it. Like a moth to a flame, I was drawn to him.”
“He’s not married, is he?” she asked worriedly.
“No, he’s not.”
“Well, that’s a relief.”
“Not really,” I said. “The relationship is very sexual. I don’t think he’s interested in a serious relationship.”
“Lillian, just because the relationship is very sexual doesn’t mean he’s not interested in a serious relationship. But if you guys are to get serious, I don’t think working in the same office is a good idea.”
“Then there’s Paige,” I said, and the hurt came tumbling out from somewhere deep inside me. As words poured out of me, it made me realize what little chance I had with Max.
“And his mother was very quick to let me know how in love they had been,” I finished.
“She was just being a jerk,” Rose said loyally. “It wasn’t her place to tell you if Max did or did not have feelings for Paige. Listen. Relax. Stop overthinking this. What will be will be and stressing about it won’t change anything.”
“Easier said than done,” I muttered.
“I know. Are you forgetting how many times Dylan and I broke things off and then got back together again?” she asked.
I laughed at the memory. Dylan had had serious commitment issues, and at times I’d doubted whether he was really interested in my sister in the long term. “And look at the two of you now.”
“That’s what I mean. It takes time for a couple to figure out what they want. Some people more than others. Does Max seem like a player to you?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Well, there you go then. Be patient. And give it a chance.”