Page 81 of Boss from Hell
We got to my mother’s place and as we got out of the car, I pulled Rose in for a quick hug. “Thank you. I feel a bit better.”
“You’re welcome,” she said. “I’m glad we’re friends not just sisters.”
“Me too.”
Rose knocked and moments later, Mom flung the door open. “My girls. What a treat.”
I hadn’t seen her in such a good mood in a long time and just seeing her like that lifted my own spirits.
“Hey, Mom,” I said, hugging her close. She felt so tiny in my arms and an avalanche of love came over me as I held her.
We walked into the house, making for our favorite room. Mom already had coffee brewing and we sat around the kitchen island. When the coffee was ready, she poured it into three mugs and carried them to the island.
“Girls, I’ve been a stubborn old fool,” she said with a solemn expression. “I understood why you wanted me to move, but I allowed my emotions to cloud my judgement.”
“It’s okay, Mom. We understand,” I said quickly. With the wisdom that came from hindsight, I knew we had pushed her too hard. It reminded me of what Max had said. All she needed was time. “There’s no rush for you to move. Honestly.”
She rested her hand on mine. “It’s sweet of you to say so, but it’s time. I’ve been a burden to my girl for long enough. There’s one particular cottage we saw that won’t leave my mind. I think I’d like it there.”
Rose and I exchanged a glance of amazement.
“Are you sure, Mom?” Rose asked. “The last thing we want is for you to feel ambushed. Like what we did last time. I’m sorry, it was my idea, not Lillian’s.”
“It was our idea. Both of us,” I said.
My mother covered my hand with hers. “I remember when your father and I first saw this house. I was pregnant with you, Lillian, and Rose was just a toddler. I could visualize my girls playing in the backyard, growing up in a safe space. But you’re both grown up now. And it’s time. It’s time to move on.” Tears filled her eyes.
“Oh, Mom,” I whispered.
She blinked hard. “It’s okay. It’s okay. I guess this place is my last link with your father. I miss him.”
“We’ll always carry his memory with us,” Rose said.
Mom nodded. “I know. He’s in my heart. Not in this house.”
Chapter 47
Max was distracted all week and there was some distance between us. I was to blame too. After the revelation that he had gone for lunch with Paige and not mentioned it, I found myself drawing back, keeping my distance. The wedding preparations kept Max occupied and a lot of evenings he was going over things with Chris and Jennifer.
Still, I was glad when the wedding weekend rolled around. I had invited Maggie to be my plus one and it would be an occasion for both of us to let loose and have fun. Instead of driving my car, I hired a cab and picked Maggie up.
“You look gorgeous,” I said, admiring the pale yellow ruffle dress Maggie was wearing.
“Thanks. You look pretty hot yourself. The best man won’t be able to resist you,” she said with a wink.
“That’s the plan.” I’d bought a new dress for the occasion. A demure dress with a plunging neckline that stopped just about short of showing too much.
“I haven’t been to a wedding in ages,” Maggie said as she fastened her seatbelt. “I’m excited even though I’ve never set eyes on the groom or the bride.”
“I’ve only met the groom, so we’re both almost in the same boat,” I said with a laugh. I was glad I’d invited Maggie. I had a feeling I was going to need her strong personality to get through this wedding.
“Listen, I’ve deposited a hundred dollars into your account.”
“Because: a) you deserve to win. I never imagined you’d get this far. And… b) I should never have taken the bet. It was unethical of me. I’m ashamed of my unprofessional behavior. So please accept the money and let’s never talk about it again, okay?”