Page 20 of Infinitely Mine
I waved as he rode off the driveway, only closing the door once I could no longer hear the rumble of his bike.
Chapter 5
My knuckles rapped on the door as I stood on the front steps five minutes early to pick up Rowen and Jacob. The door opened wide as Jacob zoomed through it, crashing into my stomach as a black cape extended behind him, flapping in the breeze.
“Woah, Little Man.” I caught him, tossing him in the air before lowering him to his feet.
“Do you like my costume?”
Oh. Shit. Did Rowen see this yet?
“I’m Helkin!”
My Reaper rumbled in my chest with approval.
“You sure are, Bud. Fantastic costume!”
This kid burrowed further into my heart every time I saw him.
He wore all black and had taken Halloween face paints or his mother’s makeup to draw black circles around his eyes and over his nose and lines over his lips. How the fuck he knew to make skeletal features, I didn’t have a clue.
“Jacob! You can’t keep opening the door without telling me!” Rowen reminded him as she rushed toward us. Her gaze swept over me, and she blinked. Twice. “You look nice.”
Yeah, I got your attention, baby.
I wore a navy button-down shirt over a white tank and tucked it into my jeans along with my best leather belt. I rolled the sleeves to the elbows since it had warmed up outside. I even cleaned my boots and spent way too fucking long trimming my beard and applying a little oil. But. . .she fucking noticed.
And then I salivated, swallowing hard when my gaze hungrily devoured her. Fuck. Me. Taking her to this barbecue was a bad fucking idea. She looked smokin’ hot, and I didn’t want to share.
My Reaper echoed that sentiment as I held back a growl.
“Damn, Gorgeous.” I slapped a hand over my heart. “You look delicious enough to eat.”
Rowen wore dark jeans that hugged every tempting curve from her hips to her calves and a loose-fitting black shirt that draped off one shoulder and exposed her light golden-brown skin.
Jacob poked me in the belly. “You can’t eat people.”
“You’re right.” I winked at Rowen. “What was I thinking?”
“That you’re too hungry. Let’s go!” He reached for my hand and tugged me toward the SUV I borrowed since we needed room for three, and I didn’t think Rowen wanted Jacob on the back of a motorcycle yet. Although, if I had my way, he would ride soon.
The house wasn’t far from our destination. We parked at The Crossroads, and I opened the door for Rowen as Jacob scrambled from the car and ran toward the playground.
Kids were everywhere. I spotted Diablo’s two, Olivia, and Rev. Papa’s boy, Noah. Trish, Grim’s ol’ lady, was chasing Creed across the lot. Rael’s ol’ lady Nylah stood by the enclosed space and stayed with the twins, Gavin and Gage, as they climbed onto the slide. Bodie’s son Maverick tossed a ball back and forth with Patriot’s adopted boy Yeva. Chaos’s daughter Zara played with Shadow’s infant son Cody, and he giggled as she tickled him.
I never thought I’d see the day when we all had ol’ ladies and families gathered together at The Crossroads. Made me think of our old pres Keys and the brothers we lost over the last twenty years, many of them caught in the crossfire with our rival the Bloody Scorpions. I didn’t dwell on Razr or his club and let the past stay where it needed to be, shoved behind a door I didn’t need to open. The day of reckoning would come, and I’d be ready for it.
I shook my head with a laugh when Jigsaw’s son Miles climbed a ladder to get to the slide next, waving at Jacob as he joined him.
“He’s already making friends,” she laughed.
“I figured he would. He’s outgoing and smart.”
“He is,” she agreed.
Heather joined us, looping her arm through Rowen’s. “Come on. I want to introduce you to everyone.”
By everyone, she meant all the ol’ ladies and club girls. Snooki, the club girl in charge, would keep the other muffler bunnies in line. They knew to keep tits and ass covered on family days.