Page 25 of Lennon
Before he can say anything else to me, a man I haven’t met before walks into the breakroom. He looks at Lachlan first and opens his mouth like he’s about to greet him when he sees me and grins. It’s not a charming smile; it’s full of dirty promises with a side of sleaze.
“Well, hello there,” the man steps closer to us and holds his hand out toward me expectantly, “we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet. You must be Lennon. I’m Conrad.”
I’m taken aback for a moment because he knows my name, but then I remember how Gia knew who I was because of Albert and Mom. I’m sure the same is true for this guy.
I shake his hand quickly and professionally, pulling my hand away when he tries to hold onto it for a moment too long. When I glance at Lachlan, his eyes are hard as he looks at Conrad. How this man can’t feel the anger directed at him like a fucking laser beam is beyond me.
“It’s nice to meet you,” I offer, my tone neutral. “You’re a relator here?”
“Yup,” he pops the p, something I find incredibly annoying. “I work in commercial under Lachlan. If I were on the residential side, I’d offer to show you a few homes.”
I know he’s trying to be charming, but it falls way fucking flat for me. I work on keeping my face neutral instead of cringing.
Lachlan grits out through his teeth, “Lennon’s place is taken care of. My brothers and I saw to it personally,” even I can hear the threat and the ownership in his voice.
When I glance at Lachlan, I swear I can see all the ways he’s imagining maiming Conrad right here in the break room. Uh-oh. I’ve spent time around some intimidating men and Lachlan could give them a run for their money right now.
It makes me feel all fluttery inside.
Bad Lennon. You shouldn’t feel all a quiver because of his possessiveness. Distance and boundaries, remember?
Right. Right.
“Maybe I can show you around town then since you’re new,” Conrad tries another tactic and I force a professional smile onto my face which gives nothing away.
“Thanks, but I’m good. Gia has started showing me around. With making sure I’m up to speed with my new job, I don’t have a lot of free time right now.”
Conrad grins and shrugs one shoulder like the way I’m shutting him down is no big deal. I hope I don’t have to spend a lot of time rebuffing his advances in the future. I’m already exhausted thinking about it.
As if I don’t have enough going on right now.
“Were you looking for me?” Lachlan’s voice is tight as he redirects Conrad’s attention toward him.
“I was. I need to speak to you about a few properties I’m going to be showing this week,” Conrad explains.
“Talk to Jack to get on my schedule. I was about to head out to check on a few properties.”
Lachlan turns his attention toward me. His dark eyes are so beautiful. The three brothers all have the same eyes, but there are subtle differences between them. I could spend hours finding all the things that make them unique individuals and starting with their eyes would not be a hardship.
Bad Lennon.
“I was hoping to take you out into the field and give you the lay of the commercial real estate land for the company,” he doesn’t leave much room for me to say no in his tone.
But I must because if I’m trapped in a car with this man for any length of time then I’m going to find myself naked and writhing underneath him before I know it. He is potent. And dangerous.
“I’m so sorry, today isn’t good for me. I’m going to start going around and meeting all the agents. I think the people are even more important than the properties when it comes to my job.” I hate the way his shoulders slump slightly as I rebuff his plans and find myself adding on, “Maybe later in the week?”
I should not have said that. How the hell am I going to get out of joining him later in the week now?
I guess it’s a problem to deal with later. As long as it means I get out of being trapped with him now.
Lachlan’s voice drops an octave, “I’ll be holding you to it.”
Double crap.
I nod slowly and then hustle around the men with my coffee like my ass is on fire. It might as well be with how hard Lachlan is staring at it. I’m pretty sure Conrad is doing the same, but he doesn’t do a damn thing for me.