Page 26 of Lennon
Lachlan’s eyes on me though? I’m uncomfortably wet by the time I get back to my office. I close the door behind me and lean back against it while making a concerted effort to not drop my mug on the ground.
I’m in so much trouble. And I think the brothers know how close I am to caving in and giving in to everything they want and have promised me for the future.
Jordan says I’m theirs. Could it really be true?
Can I take the risk?
I’m not sure, but I have a feeling I’m not going to have much of a choice in finding out.
I’ve been fuming for hours. Ever since Lennon turned down my offer to go out and see some of our commercial properties. She had an excellent point in terms of wanting to meet the employees first. I didn’t have anything to say to counter her on that one and I had to let it go.
The moment she fled the breakroom, Conrad turned to me with a smarmy as fuck smile on his face. “I had no idea your stepsister was so sexy,” he practically sneered the words, and I exhibited an incredible deal of control by not punching him in the face.
He must have, finally, read the warning on my face because he held his hands up in surrender and took a step back from me. I knew I couldn’t say anything because if I did it would be a threat. Against his life.
“No offense meant,” he sounded a little bit sheepish. “I’m just stating facts.”
He wasn’t wrong. Lennon is sexy as hell. Even getting a few minutes with her had made my day. Right up until I had to watch another man flirt with her.
I threw him a bone and offered, “Come on back to my office. It seems like I have a little time.”
Every second of that meeting, I was imagining different ways of killing the man. It was getting gruesome, and I was thankful I had gotten the hang of multi-tasking a long time ago. He had no idea how many times he died in my imagination.
If he had, he wouldn’t have sat across from my desk for so long while going over his plans for the week because he was scheduled to show restaurant spaces to one of our big clients. The group had used us in the past to find their new spaces and Conrad had handled the last two deals.
I had faith in his ability to do his job and I also respected the man for going over his plans with me. It was clear he was prepared to make a deal happen and I didn’t have much to add in terms of the properties he would be showing to them.
After Conrad left my office, I wanted to run over to check on Lennon, but I held myself back. It was only because I promised myself that I would try to get close to her again, but this time with an offering.
Which is why I’m walking back into the building with lunch for my woman. I figured it would be a clever way to show her I’m interested in taking care of her. If we happen to eat lunch together it would be a bonus, but I’m not going to be holding my breath. Not with how she seems to be able to wiggle out of all the plans I make for us.
Gia flashes me a big smile as I walk toward her desk which grows wider when I reach into the bag I’m carrying and put her favorite salad in front of her. At least once a month we cater lunch for the entire office and her order is easy to remember.
She teases me, “Are you bribing me?”
“No, consider it a ‘thank you’ salad.”
“What are you thanking me for?” She arches her eyebrow in challenge as she questions me, and I chuckle under my breath.
I’m not at all surprised Lennon and Gia have forged a friendship. Gia is a good person and someone I value, not just in terms of the business either.
“I heard you and Lennon had fun the other night. I appreciate you showing her around a little bit and befriending her,” I admit softly.
Gia’s eyes soften as she looks at me before she waves her hand dismissively. “It’s not like it’s a hardship. Lennon is amazing and I’m glad she’s my friend. I don’t have many of them.” She leans forward and lowers her voice, “If you haven’t noticed, most of the women around here can be catty as hell and I didn’t grow up in Phoenix. Susan is cool, but she’s not quite in my age demographic.”
I nod solemnly. I know exactly what she’s talking about. I swear a good portion of the women here make hitting on me and my brothers into a competition. If I were to find out there’s a leaderboard somewhere it wouldn’t surprise me at all.
“Well, still, I appreciate it and I know Lennon does too.”
Gia eyes me and then the bag in my hand. She gives me a sly smile, “Are you taking her lunch?”
“Yeah, I’m,” I pause, not sure if I should show vulnerability to my employee and decide to go with it in the name of Gia being our ally, “hoping we can eat together.”
Gia giggles softly and then flashes me a bright smile. “I hope she doesn’t turn you down.” Her voice lowers slightly, “I didn’t put a good word in for you guys yet. I just wanted the chance to get to know her first. I would hate for her to think I was just hanging out with her because of the three of you.”