Page 23 of Viper's Vendetta
Watching the reunion between Angela and Angelica is a reminder of why I do this job. Although I have to admit to myself that none of this would have been possible without the Demon Dawgs. Dice and Avery found her, and the club brought her home. They protected Angelica and helped her through the trauma by finding her an amazing therapist who specializes in childhood trauma. I know for certain the club will be there for her. Most likely for both of them. Whereas, as far as CPS and the LVMPD are concerned, the case is done and dusted.
Gloria Billock proves this by interrupting the reunion to have Angela sign off on the paperwork before she rushes out the door. She doesn’t even offer mother and daughter a ride back to her apartment.
“I have some clothes and other things that we bought Angel, I mean Angelica,” Desdemona says as she brushes away a tear. “You’re welcome to them.”
“I can’t thank you enough for taking care of her,” Angela says to Desdemona and Diego. “I don’t know how I can repay you for everything.”
“You don’t try,” Diego says, giving her a warm smile. “We loved having her here with us, even though the time was muchtoo short. Although we’re thrilled to see her back with her mother.”
Max and I wait while Desdemona and Diego help Angela and Angelica pack. Max gets a text that has him eager to return to the clubhouse.
“I’ll give them a ride back to their apartment, but I can drop you off at the clubhouse first,” I offer.
“Thanks, that works,” he says, glancing down the hall as the four come back.
Taking the suitcase Diego’s carrying, I smile at Angelica and Angela. “I can give you both a ride home, but I need to drop Max off first.”
“Can we go inside and see Elina and the guys?” Angelica asks, bouncing as she holds her mother’s hand.
Angela glances at me as if asking for my opinion, so I give it. “That’s up to your mom, but I know everyone would love to see you.”
“They’d also want to meet you, Angela,” Max chimes in. “I know it might be hard to understand, but you are family now. The entire club fell in love with Angelica, and we’ll be there to support you both.”
As we drive to the clubhouse, Max fills Angela in on how Dice and Avery discovered Angelica and ended up calling her Angel. I see the news of how close Angelica came to dying has Angela in tears.
“She’s okay now,” I remind her. “Like Max said, the club will be there for her and for you. If you ever need anything, you only have to ask.”
“Are you a member of the club?” Angela asks me. I shake my head as Max says ‘yes.’ I raise my eyebrow at his answer, but he just gives me a shrug.
“What? You’re with Viper, so you’re one of us. They’ll treat you the same, Angela. We’re a big family, and we look out for each other.”
Once I park in front of the clubhouse, Max jumps out and helps Angela out of the back seat while I assist Angelica.
I hear Max assure Angela that she won’t have to stay long. “I’ll introduce you to everyone while Angelica says hi to her friends. You’re probably tired and want to get home so you can get Angelica settled.”
The look on her face has Max turning to face her. “What’s wrong?”
“I have nothing for her at the apartment,” she confesses with a sob. “I didn’t think to buy her a bed or anything else that she’ll need. I’m a terrible mom.”
Max pulls her into a hug while I take Angelica’s hand. “You are not a terrible mother. Your focus has been to find her. What did I tell you? You aren’t alone now. We’ll make sure you and Angelica have everything you need. Let’s get inside so you can meet everyone, and I’ll prove to you they have your back.”
Angelica releases my hand and rushes forward to grab her mother’s hand. “You’ll love everyone here. I know you will,” she tells her mother. “Everyone is great. They want us to be happy. You’ll see. Puma will fix it. He can fix anything.”
I see Angela’s look of horror as she mouths ‘Puma?’ at Max. Chuckling, I follow the three into the clubhouse and see firsthand how family-oriented this club is. Every member flocks forward and takes turns hugging Angelica and greeting her as if she’s been away for weeks rather than less than a day.
Max corners Alisa and whispers something to her before disappearing down the hall that leads toward the bedrooms. I glance around the common room but don’t see Viper, Chill, Puma, or Dice.
The sound of kids screaming and laughing fills the common room as Elina, Mal, and Slade all converge on Angelica. I have to grin at the pride in Angelica’s tone as she introduces her mother to her friends. Puma and Dice enter through the back door. Dice immediately goes to Avery and pulls her in for a hug. They had plans to adopt Angelica before we found her mother, and I know they’re both struggling to accept the fact that this won’t be happening now.
“Who’s making all this noise!” booms Puma as he strides through the room toward the kids. Angela’s eyes widen in fear, but she relaxes when Angelica lets out a whoop and jumps into Puma’s waiting arms. “Look how much you’ve grown! What was Desdemona feeding you?”
Angelica giggles as she places her hand on Puma’s cheek. “You just saw me yesterday, silly.”
He pretends to drop her, which causes her to screech and giggle harder.
“I can barely hold you up,” Puma complains.