Page 24 of Viper's Vendetta
“Puma’s getting old,” Elina explains to a still wide-eyed Angela. “We’ll have to put him out to pasture soon.”
“Why you little…” Puma growls, sweeping Elina up off the ground so he can toss both little girls over his shoulder so they’re hanging down his back. “I’ll show you old.”
Alisa sidles up to Angela and places a calming hand on her arm. “I’m Alisa, Puma’s Old Lady. You must be Angela. We’re very glad to meet you.” Alisa gently pulls Angela over to a table so they can sit down. Seeing Angela is in excellent hands, I stride over to Dice and Avery.
“You two okay?” I ask them.
Avery shrugs while Dice pulls her close. “We’re happy for Angelica and for Angela. But I have to admit we’re disappointed. I really thought we’d have a chance of adopting her,” Dice explains.
“Do you think Angela will take her away?” Avery asks.
“I don’t know. That’s why Max suggested we stop here so Angela can see what the club’s like. I need to take her home soon, but Angela doesn’t have furniture or anything but a suitcase of clothes from Desdemona.”
“We can’t have that!” Avery says, making her way over to Alisa and Angela.
“Angela’s all alone, well, except for a boyfriend,” I tell Dice. “I think if you made her feel welcome in the clubhouse, she’ll feel more comfortable coming for a visit and bringing Angelica.”
“Maybe we can see about getting her a job at 1%,” Dice suggests. “You said she’s working at the Horseshoe now?” I nod. “We pay better, and we offer daycare services. We already started the enrollment process for school. I better tell her.”
I watch Dice join the women and feel a surge of pride at how easily they pull Angela into their midst. She’s smiling and looks relaxed. Much more relaxed than the woman who arrived at Desdemona’s home just a few hours ago. The club members could feel resentful that Angela has the power to take Angelica away from them. Instead, they’re treating her like she’s already one of theirs. I know they may try to ensure Angela doesn’t keep the little girl away from them, but their overtures are natural, not forced.
When Angela yawns, it triggers a wave of action. I stand and go to her, asking if she’s ready to go home. Meanwhile, Alisa instructs Hunter to get the SUV so they can go shopping for Angelica’s bedroom and things. Angela protests, but Alisa won’t let her put them off.
“Angelica can sleep with me tonight,” Angela tells her. “I can go shopping tomorrow.”
“Nonsense, wouldn’t you two rather spend tomorrow relaxing or doing something fun?” Alisa asks. “We want to do this for both of you. It’s our way of celebrating that you andAngelica have found each other again. We’ll just get the basics, like a bed and a set of sheets and a comforter. That way, you guys can go shopping later for other things.”
Angela gives in, but I think it’s more because she’s too tired and overwhelmed to argue. We decide to break into two groups. I’ll drive Angela and Angelica to her apartment, with Dice accompanying us. While Alisa, Avery, and Hunter go shopping for the bed. Dice tells Angela that they’ll help her get Angela’s room ready, but if I know him, he’s also going to check the apartment’s security. Seeing Dice duck down to Spark’s office and return with a duffle bag confirms my suspicions. He likely has the gear he needs to install a security system that the club will monitor. This might be overreaching by many, but I know this is how the club shows they care.
When we arrive at the apartment, I see Reggie getting out of his car. He moves to join us, stopping a few feet away until Angela notices him. When she does, she gives him a brilliant smile that softens his expression.
“Reggie, come meet my daughter Angelica. Angelica, this is my good friend, Reggie,” she introduces them before introducing Reggie to Dice. Angela leads the way into her apartment, and I chuckle when Dice gets right to work.
“What are you doing?” Angela asks as Dice opens his duffle bag and pulls out tools.
“You need an alarm system,” he tells her.
“Oh, well, I don’t think the landlord–” Angela starts, but Dice cuts her off.
“Has no say in this. Don’t worry. We’ll take care of him if he causes a problem.”
This reminds me I have a job to do. I need to talk to the landlord and the neighbors to see if anyone can vouch for Angela being home last night.
“I’ll talk to him,” I offer. “I need to ask him if he can vouch for your whereabouts last night.”
“Why?” Reggie asks.
I check to see that Angelica is out of earshot. She’s busy helping Dice before explaining to Reggie about Wayne’s murder.
“I can vouch for her,” Reggie says.
“Angela already told me you weren’t here,” I tell him before he gives a false statement.
“She didn’t know I was. Besides, I wasn’t in the apartment. I spent the night outside in my car. After you said Wayne was in town, I was afraid he’d come after Angela. So, I parked where I could see her apartment window and the front door. She never left.”
We arrive back at the clubhouse several hours later to find Puma waiting for us.