Page 42 of Viper's Vendetta
Sliding Viper’s kutte off, I hang it on the hook next to the door and study it. Before she mentioned it, I hadn’t considered the idea of wearing a kutte with her property patch. I smile as I realize that I’m not opposed to the idea. This is her world, and that’s how they show their commitment. Fuck yeah, I’d be honored to wear it. Just like I hope she’ll be honored to wear my ring. Because this is it for me. She’s it for me.
Turning back, I watch my goddess strip down to her underwear as I remove my shirt while toeing off my shoes. She crawls onto the bed. Her ass flexes with the movement while her breasts swing, and fuck me if she isn’t the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen.
“You just going to stand there, handsome?” she says with a laugh.
I grin when I realize that I’ve stopped undressing because I can’t do anything but stare at her laid out in front of me like my favorite dessert. Shrugging off my pants and boxers, I slide between her legs until my face reaches her perfect pussy. It’s luscious and sparkling with her arousal. “You wet for me, baby?” I ask her.
“Always,” she says, brushing her fingers through my hair. “Always, for you.”
I keep my eyes locked on hers as I take the first swipe of her juices. I need this for the rest of my life. Her. My goddess. My Viper.
Feasting on her essence, my tongue slides in and out of her channel before circling her nub. I keep the rhythm off-balance and unpredictable. The variation ramps up her pleasure until I feel the flutter. I keep my eyes locked on her face as she falls apart. Utter perfection.
Sliding up her body, I explore her mouth, sharing her taste. She moans under me as I fuck her mouth with my tongue. Reaching for a condom, I tear it open. Before I can grab it, Viper snags the rubber and tosses it away.
“I want to feel all of you,” she whispers. “Nothing between us.”
Lowering my forehead to hers, I stare into her eyes as I slide into her pussy. Her heat surrounds me while her velvety center grabs hold of my dick and pulls me in deeper. My mind blanks on everything but her, this woman who has captured my heart and claimed me for herself. The pleasure builds between us as my hips piston. She meets me thrust for thrust. Her walls flutter around me, and I know she’s close again. Fuck, so am I. Leaning back, I hoist her legs further up my hips so I can go deeper. She chants my name as I increase the pace. Sliding my hand to her neck, I revel in the feel of her life source thrumming there. The speed of her pulse increases my pleasure, and soon, I’m roaring out my release as she screams through hers. Collapsing next to her, I struggle to catch my breath. I turn my head to look at her and see her watching me.
“You sure about this? About us?” she asks.
I trace her profile with my finger before placing a soft kiss on her swollen lips. “I am. This, right here. This is perfection. I wantto close my eyes at night with you being the last thing I see, then wake up in the morning so I can see you again. The rest of the day will sort itself out as long as I start and end each day with you. You make my life perfect.”
The next morning, I awake and disentangle myself from Viper. Chuckling when I realize she’s wrapped around me like her namesake. Outside in the common room, I grab myself an egg and bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee. I plan my day as I eat. The first step is to gather all the evidence I need to clear Viper. This means a trip to the gas station to get their video feed. I may have to get a warrant, but I’m hoping they’ll give it to me without one. I also need to visit the crime scene. This will keep me busy most of the morning. However, I hope to talk with the D.A. before he takes his lunch break.
The common room is empty. Most of the members are already on their way to work or still asleep. One thing about bikers. They aren’t early risers unless they have no choice. Which is why I’m surprised when Spark sits next to me. He slides an envelope over to me as he takes a bite of his sandwich.
“That’s everything you’ll need to clear Viper,” he says after swallowing. “I have the approval from the gas station for their video feed of the hotel, along with the official registration records from the hotel for the room next to Wayne’s. Tracker gave us a signed statement about his part in the setup.”
I gape at him. “How the hell did you manage all that?”
He shrugged. “Wasn’t hard. Most people want to help the Demon Dawgs. They don’t want to piss us off. Tracker decided he’d rather provide it himself than have a cop knocking on his door and dragging him in for questioning. Figured you’d need everything above board to clear our Viper. By the way, Michelson and Mitchell went to high school together. Traynor and Michelson went to the same college.”
I nod as I tuck the envelope into my jacket pocket. “I do. Much appreciated. Any word on Juliet’s contact at Michelson Trucking? Did she contact the authorities?”
“She called Juliet when the cops showed up with a warrant. Said the guy in charge is a Reed Pence. Do you know him?”
I shake my head. “I don’t think so, but his name sounds familiar.”
Even though I have the evidence I need, thanks to Spark, I stop at the motel where Wayne spent his last night. The police tape still covers the door of his hotel room. I make a note to ask if anyone’s cleaned the room next door since the murder, but doubt I’ll get lucky. Entering the hotel room, I see everything just as I remembered, including the connecting door. Going to it, I put on a pair of gloves and try the door, finding it open. I try the second door and am surprised to find it unlocked. Glancing inside, I see the room is empty, and, more importantly, it doesn’t look like housekeeping cleaned it. Not with the unmade bed and used towels on the floor.
I find the hotel manager at the desk and ask about the adjacent room.
“Maid quit after finding the fucking body. I haven’t been able to hire anyone else because the crime scene tape scares them off. When the fuck are you going to clear the room?”
“Not today, but maybe soon. I’m calling in a crime scene unit to examine the room next to the victim’s. Make sure no one enters the room until they get here.”
“Shit,” he complains but nods in agreement.
I step outside and call in the unit. While I wait, I go through the evidence Spark provided and practice my appeal to the D.A. Knowing I won’t get far since I’m no longer the primary, I bite the bullet. I call the captain’s admin and schedule a time to meet with him. He gives me a time which is two hours from now. Ending the call, I’m happy to see the tech van arrive. Aftergiving them the order to process the second room, paying special attention to the interconnecting doors, I leave two uniformed officers guarding the team while I return to the station.
Stepping inside, I find chaos. Cops standing in groups. Some are whispering, others are gesturing and obviously angry about something. I don’t stop to ask but make my way to my desk. However, I can’t ignore the activity happening in Lieutenant Traynor’s office. Several plainclothes officers are inside packing it up. I recognize one detective as a member of internal affairs. I suppress a grin as I continue on to my desk. Looks like Juliet’s contact came through.
I find my captain waiting for me. Until today, his sandy brown hair and clear green eyes made him look much younger than his fifty years. Today, he looks his age. “I’d ask how you’re doing, but I don’t think I want to know,” I say as I take a seat across from him. “What’s going on in Traynor’s office?”
“Internal affairs is after him. Turns out the asshole has been taking bribes. I knew something was off with him. Have you seen that car he drives? How the hell can he afford it on his salary? No, I knew something was up. I asked for a review, but they couldn’t find any payments. But they got a tipoff today that will bury him.”