Page 43 of Viper's Vendetta
“Have they arrested him?” I ask, hoping for a positive response, but the scowl on his face says otherwise.
“No. The fucker. He’s in the wind. No one has seen him since yesterday after he botched up the arrest of the biker chick.”
“Speaking of, I have evidence that clears her,” I tell him, taking his comment as an opening. I explain about her alibi.
“Of course you do. Did Traynor know about the alibi?” I nod. “Traynor insisted that she’s the killer. Said he had an eyewitness who saw her going into Turner’s room.”
I tell him about the video and how the figure on the screen isn’t a woman but a man. A man with a kutte from a differentbiker club. He listens to me, his eyes going wide when I mention speaking to the biker and learning someone paid him to go to the hotel.
“Have you told the D.A.?”
“Not yet. Traynor took over the case, so the D.A. may not listen to me.”
“Do you have another suspect?”
“I do. The man who paid the biker was the same one who rented the room next to Wayne Turner. We got his face on video at 1% and at the hotel. We identified him as Gary Mitchell. He rented the room using a credit card from Michelson Trucking.” I’m watching the captain’s face as I mention the trucking company. He keeps his face impassive, but I see the slight widening of his eyes.
Lifting the phone, he places a call. I suppress my grin as he tells the D.A. to drop the charges against Viper. He hangs up and tells me to wait. As soon as he’s out the door, I text Viper and give her the good news. She’s no longer a wanted criminal.
Reading Rafe’s text has me dancing around the common room in celebration. I jump to my feet, wiggle my ass, and raise my hands in the air as I shout for joy.
“What the fuck? Are you having a seizure?” Chill asks as Puma laughs at my performance.
“No, I’m a free woman! Rafe just told me the D.A. canceled the warrant for my arrest. I can leave the compound!”
“That’s good news. Does this mean they have the killer in custody?” Puma asks.
I shake my head. “No idea. He said he can’t talk. He’s meeting with his captain and IAB about Traynor. So, it looks like Juliet’s contact came through. All I know is I’m ready to go for a ride! Who’s with me?”
“How about holding off on the ride, and instead, you go with Max,” Puma suggests, chuckling when I pout at him. “He’s taking Angela and Angelica to 1% for a tour of the casino. Angela’s thinking of working there. We already hired her friend Reggie in security.”
I perk up. “Oh, that sounds like fun. I’d love to go. It will be great to see Angelica again, and I want to get to know Angela better. Okay, let me go find Max.”
“I’m here. You ready to go?”
“How did you know?”
“Fuck, the whole compound heard you yelling and screaming. You aren’t exactly quiet.”
“Especially when you’re with Rafe,” Chill adds with a smirk.
“Yeah,” Max agrees with a scowl. “I need noise-canceling headphones or a bucket for my vomit.”
I slap Max on the arm as I dance my way out of the clubhouse. I can hear him chuckling behind me. We hop into the SUV and head out of the gates.
“Have you spoken with Angela or Angelica recently?” I ask Max.
“Every day. They’re both doing well, spending time together. I had Spark look into Wayne’s finances. He had very little, but what he had, I made sure she got. Plus, I added in what I could.”
“You should have asked me. I could have given her some money, too.”
“I know, but you’ve been busy. I’m hoping she takes a job at 1%, so she’ll stay in Vegas and let us continue seeing Angelica.”
“Do you think she’s planning on leaving?” I ask, concerned.
“Not sure. I’ve been too afraid to ask her about her plans,” Max admits.