Page 33 of Love Unexpected
I covered my ears. Too much stimulation was not goodfor a hangover.
They were not going to let me out of this kitchen without spilling details. I told them what happened last night. I left out the hiccupping cure and details. I just told them we kissed.
Nalee's eyes bulged at the mention of the kiss. They both knew that I didn’t go around kissing random men. "Sweetheart, he's a player. Jerome is aplayer. I hate it. I’m just so used to it. But you, you're fragile; you can get out before everything becomes complicated. Don't get sucked into it."
Fragile? Was that what she thought of me? Just because I was a virgin didn't mean I was fragile.
"Nales, Zander said that he only hung out with those girls. He didn't take them home or anything." I sounded lame. I believed Zander‘s explanation about the women last night.
"You're sure of that? I'm stuck with Jerome because I got sucked into his lies. One day, I'll probably get out and tell him to just fuck himself. But look at me, I'm sick of his lies but I hang onto them. If I knew this was going to be my life, I would have told myself, ‘Self get out while you can', years ago. Just because he said he didn't take them home or didn't do anything with them doesn’t mean it’s true."
My appetite was gone. I had no desire to finish the rest of my toast. Nalee was right. What was I thinking? Just because he said he wasn't a man whore, didn't actually mean that he wasn't.
Tanya looked at Nalee and me, "It's true."
Naleeasked first, "What's true?"
Tanya’semerald gaze went back and forth between Nalee and I. "Zander's telling the truth. Two of the girls in Chatty Pepper's website are my sorority sisters. I'm not close to them but we all got together for an event a few days ago. Those girls happened to be there. I overheard those two comparing notes about Zander. They both said he was a great guy, but they thought he was gay. He didn't even attempt anything with them. They must have pulled out all their charms. He's a great catch. He was a complete gentleman. He took them out to dinner, separate times, of course, and that was it."
I exhaled. Relief rushed through me. He was a good guy.My instincts weren't wrong.
"Then why did you send me all those pics, Tanya? I was assuming that he was dating all these other girls," I couldn't help but ask.
In Tanya-like fashion, she propped her hands on her hips, and said, "Honey, I wanted you to figure it out. I knew you had the hots for him. Totally. I wanted you tosee what you were losing."
"What was I losing? A man whore?!" Myhead pounded, but I laughed.
They were now both laughing with me.
Tanya exclaimed, "No! That wasn't the message I was trying to get across. I was trying to tell you that you were letting a fine specimen of a mango because of whatever hang-up you had with Brennan and there are tons of other girls waiting in line, if you let him go."
Nalee burstinto another giggle, "Tanya dear, next time you want to send a message across, can you write the actual message? I was thinking the same thing that Sedona was thinking, that Zander was a player and wasn't worth spending time with."
Tanya huffed, "Oh well! Fine, next time, if there is a next time, I will send you messages with underlines and highlighted points so you guyswon’t miss what I'm trying to say. I'll even include a synopsis of my message."
Nalee and I burst into laughter.
5couldn't come soon enough.
Football practice was great. If it was possible to ride high on excitement, I was on board that flight and back. My face was plastered with a grin all morning. John evencommented, "That good huh?"
“Whatcha talking about, man?"
"Your date. Your night. Whatever. It was that good? You have this stupid grin all morning." Of course, he noticed. I was in a quasi-angry/irritated/bored state for the past couple of weeks.
I nodded.
“Whoever she is, keep her. We need her to go to Division Championships,” he smirked, “You were sucking big time. You looked like your old self today.”
"Whatever dude," I threw an empty water bottle at him. He was a good friend.
He was right. I was one with the turf today. I felt it when I stepped on the field. My throws were great. She brought my ‘mojo’, as Xavier called it, back.
Last night was hot. She gave new meaning to hot. Her mouth was so responsive. Just thinking about it was giving me another erection. I took care of one after I went home and again, this morning. It was hard for me to stop kissing her. When she zonked out on me, I had no choice but to stop. She was a deep sleeper. One minute she was kissing me. Then, all of a sudden, shewas lights out. I tried to fix her body position in her bed but she kept wriggling in my hands, so I covered her with a light pink blanket. I couldn't help but look around her room.
She was so organized. Her computer desk was tidy. Not a paper or pencil out of place. She had a mini dresser with a mirror on the far end of the room, close to the bathroom. I walked to her bathroom and took a leak. I noticed her vanilla-scented soap was datedwith a black marker, 02/10. Wow. She freakin' put a date on her hand wash. Didn't they have expiration dates printed on them?! Her bathroom was straight out of a magazine. No clutter. Feminine. Towels lined up in order. Mine was nothing compared to hers.