Page 34 of Love Unexpected
I looked at her profile in the bed. The lamp by her door cast a dim shadow on her face. I sank back in her bed. She was truly one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. Her long,dark hair was spread on her pillow. Her eyelashes were so long. Her lips were slightly swollen from my kisses. I lightly touched a finger to her lips; she stirred and moaned, "Zander."
That did me in. When my name slipped from her lips, I promised myself that there was no way she was getting away from me. I had left her alone for far too long. I stood up, took one last look at her face, and walked out of her room. Tomorrow, or today, did not come fast enough.
I was a punctualguy so at exactly 5 PM, I was ringing the doorbell of her apartment. Tanya, the red head, answered the door. Nalee was close behind.Uh oh. Interrogation time.
They didn't even bother to hide it. As soon as I plopped my ass on the couch, Nalee said, "Listen here, buddy. Sedona's not the flavor of theday or week. She's a great girl. You better leave now if you know you're just going to play her."
Tanya gushed, "Jeez, Nalee. Simmer down. Don't go scaring the boy."
They were pretty funny. I knew they were watching out fortheir friend.
I was about to say something when Tanya shushed me. She just shushed me.
She said her piece, "Look, you hurt our girl, you're going to pay. I don't care if you're Mr. Wundershit. I have connections in high places too. If you hurt her, in any way, shape, or form, your ass, no matter howdelectable it is, is toast!"
She just threatened me while flirting with me. Ihave to hand it to her - the girl had talent. John should definitely pursue her.
I wasn't going to be railroaded by these women. My intentions towards Sedona were between her and me. They were concerned about their friend. From what I gathered from Sedona last night, I was labeled a ‘player’.
"Ladies, please let me get a word in." Where was Sedona, was she ready to go?
They quieted down.
"I just want to say that Pepper website exaggerated stuff. You probably got the idea that I dated tons of girls but that’s not the truth. I may have gone out with a couple of them. Isn’t that what single guys do? Now, I know you’re watching out for your friend and that’s totally cool. I would probably be doing the same thing for my friend. In less obvious ways, of course."
Tanya's mouth twitched. She reminded me of a supermodel.
They gave me the floor so I took it, "Your girl, she's the only one I want to keep seeing. I've no idea where this is going to take us, but I sure hope she gets on it because I am kinda getting tired here. I am exhaustedfrom having her run through my mind for weeks."
I must have said something right because Nalee smiled. Her face went from average to really pretty when she smiled.
Tanya said, "Zander, I didn't know you could spout stuff like that. No wonder you got my girl in knots."
I had Sedona in knots? Good. Because she had my balls tied in triple knots.
"Where's yourgirl, by the way?" I asked.
"She's coming. Her dad called so she said she'll be coming out in a few," Nalee said, "Youwant anything to drink?"
"No thanks, I'mgood. I'll just wait here."
I thought they were going to leave me alone. Nope. They just sat there and we got to talking about random stuff.
Tanya sounded interested in John. She asked a few questions about him. Nalee was a cheerful person. She was quite the storyteller. She talked about her volunteering for the orphaned kids. I was not bored. Sedona had great friends. Smart ones too.
I was in the middle of telling them about architectural design and stuff, when Sedona showed up. I literally lost my train of thought.
She looked so naturaland feminine. Her jeans showed off a great ass and legs. And her top,fuck. It was sheer and flowy and showed a hint of cleavage. It made me want to rip it off of her. She looked sexy as hell.
Tanya burst into giggles.
"Man, never thought I’d see the day you could literally shocka man to silence, Sedona."
Sedona's face turned red. Her eyes sparkled. She looked at me and a heated look passed between us. Shewas remembering last night.
We needed to go. If I stayed here long enough, my dick would salute everyone here. It was already uncomfortable down there.
I stood up, "Ready to go?"