Page 2 of Consume Me
I hugged myself, the excitement building in my chest. “He’s a billionaire!”
“Oookay.” She hesitated, like I’d lost my mind. She’s used to being surrounded by money with Gerald.
My feet began to move because I could not contain my nervous energy. I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. “Okay. Sanya, why is he in the Bronx in the middle of the night?”
“Emersyn, calm down.”
She must have known I was up pacing. “I’m calm,” I said in a breathy voice.
“Are you pacing right now?”
I stopped in the middle of the room. I looked around the room as if she had cameras in my place. “Umm. No.”
She chuckled. “Girl, I know you. Anyway, he's in the Bronx. So? It doesn’t mean anything.”
“The news said he’s opening a club and having women come in free for the first night. What if he’s some crazy lunatic searching for women?”
“Emersyn, how much have you drunk tonight?”
I glanced down at the empty bottle of wine I had finished off. “A glass or two.”
“Sounds like you are reading too much into that book we discussed tonight.”
“You are the last person to call me out. How many times did you think Gerald was full of shit.”
Sanya giggled on the other end of the call. “Get some sleep and we can talk about it tomorrow at lunch.”
“Fine, tell Gerald I said good luck.”
“Sassy, aren’t we?” Sanya titters, ending the call.
“Sassy, my ass. There's a reason he’s out here past midnight, probably looking for a one-night stand.”
The next morning after barely sleeping, I started my day by eating a large breakfast, showering, and going into the bookstore early to get started on inventory. My boss, Louise, came around the corner carrying a stack of books by my favorite author, Delaney Diamond. Seeing the number of indie authors in the store, on top of book events when they came for signings, plus getting to take pictures and signed autographs was why I loved working here.
Louise sat the books to the side, walked around the counter, and logged into the cash register. “This is the last stack of books for the window display.”
“Thanks, I can get them up in a minute.” I removed the trash off the counter and placed the empty boxes in the corner. Louise’s store front was in the heart of the Bronx with good foot traffic near a coffee shop and a few restaurants. I was one of her first employees when she opened this place three years ago.
“How was your night?” Louise asked as she unlocked the front door and put the open sign out.
“Nothing much besides tv, wine, and a good book.” I grinned.
Louise gave me a look and shook her head. “No dates?”
“Nope. Men aren’t checking for me and I for sure ain’t looking for them.”
She rolled her eyes at me. Louise being married with two kids, and a few years older than me at thirty-four to my thirty, she always preached about letting things happen naturally.
“Emersyn, all you do is think negatively or think every guy is going to be like the books you read.” Louise helped put up a romance book by author L.K. Ryan.
“Oh, I haven’t read that one yet. Vincenzo,” I said.
Louise snatched the book out of my hands. “Focus because the same way you fantasize about meeting Prince Charming is the same for men expecting the perfect woman.”
“I don’t expect Prince Charming.”