Page 3 of Consume Me
She fluttered her lashes. “Could have fooled me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
We both turned our heads at the door chimes and my breath caught at the person walking inside. Then my eyes narrowed into slits.
“Hello, welcome to Books R Us. Is there anything we can help you with?” Louise spoke to Esteban, but his eyes were trained on me for some reason.
“She can help me,” Esteban responded, sliding his tongue across his lips.
Louise looked from Esteban to me, and her lips curled up into a smile. “Emersyn is one of my best employees. I am sure she can help you with anything.”
I whipped my head around. “I-I-I'm actually slammed with stocking the shelves,” I stuttered, feeling my body heat up and my hands get sweaty. There was something about this man that felt like he’d be the best and the worst thing for me.
“I can handle the shelves, Emersyn. Go ahead and help Mister… I forgot to get your name?” Louise demanded, and I wanted to curse her out for putting me on blast.
“Esteban Munoz.” Our eye contact never dropped. Just his presence alone spoke volumes and I hated how my body reacted.
“Esteban, Emersyn would love to assist you.” Louise’s giggling brought me out of the trance I was under.
I blew out a long breath and asked, “Anything specific you wanted to look at?” Whirling around the counter, I moved closer to him with my arms folded over my chest.
Esteban smirked at me. “Bondage.”
My eyes ballooned wide at his response. “I’m sorry what did you say?”
“You heard me.”
“Bondage,” I repeated, my breathing labored.
He moved to close the distance between us. “Bondage, books on learning rope play.”
I nodded in understanding. I knew he was fucking with me, but I went along with his games and went to the erotica section in the store and grabbed a few things.
“Anything else?”
“Your phone number.”
Esteban traced a finger down my cheek, and I felt my breath catch in my chest. “I’ve never been told no before.”
I gave him a smile. “First time for everything. Will that be cash or credit?”
Grimacing, he reached in his pocket, pulled a stack of money out, and handed it over.
“Cash and keep the change.”
“That’s a hundred dollars!” I exclaimed.
He shrugged his shoulders. “I like the customer service and want to tip.”
Bagging up his books, I ignored his statement and passed over the receipt. “Here you are, Mr. Munoz and thank you for shopping at Books R Us.”
His eyes changed focus from my face to my body, and he covered my hand on top of the counter. “I want to take you out.”
“Again, a no word.” He leaned against the glass counter.