Page 16 of The Surrogate
Track 6: “Royals” by Lorde
Granting myself permission to take a step back gave me a newfound peace about the situation. Remarkably, I slept fairly well. Abby had managed to hit upon something last night, and for the first time, I no longer felt a sense of urgency or pressure.
I woke up the following morning feeling less anxious than I had in more than two weeks. And with that came clarity. It felt a bit wrong leaving Abby high and dry, alone at the inn with Lavinia when I was the one who’d demanded she come to England. She was here because of me, and I’d done a total one-eighty.
I decided to suck up my pride and call the number she’d given me in our initial email correspondence.
She answered, her voice a bit groggy. “Is this the one and only Sigmund Benedictus calling my phone? Emphasis on the dick?”
“Real mature. Now you’re showing your age. But I suppose I deserve that.” I sighed. “Did I wake you?”
“No. I’ve been up for a while, poking needles into my Sigmund Benedictus voodoo doll.”
I chuckled. “Is he as handsome as I am?”
“He came complete with permanent scowl and dented car.”
“You must be running out of needles.”
She laughed. “What’s up? I didn’t think I’d hear from you again, let alone first thing in the morning.”
“I’ve changed my mind.”
“About the surrogacy?”
“No. About the car accident. I’d like to get your information to charge you for the damage,” I teased.
After a few seconds of silence, she said, “Seriously?”
“I didn’t take you to be so gullible.”
“Well, I’ve come to expect anything from Mr. Hot and Cold.”
Tell her you’re sorry, you dumb arse.“Actually, the real reason I’m calling is to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I should’ve been more welcoming, regardless of my personal feelings.”
“Regardless of your personal dislike for me?”
“That’s not what I meant. I was referring to my hesitation about the entire situation. As you surmised, my attitude had nothing to do with you personally, though I know it didn’t feel that way.”
“I get that you were trying to sabotage the arrangement. Lucky for you, I have thick skin and accept your apology. But do I get a refund for yesterday? I’ll take payment in the form of one adorable sheep at my door by six tonight.”
She’d managed to make me smile. “Funny enough, another reason I’m calling involves sheep,” I said.
“Well, now you’ve got my attention.”
I began to pace. “It occurred to me that given how much you seem to like animals, you might be interested in visiting my cousin’s farmhouse while you’re in the countryside.”
“Would that cousin be Leo, Duke of Westfordshire?”
“I see you’ve done your research.”
“Well, I don’t just learn about people through blatant interrogation like you do. I do my research quietly.”
“Yes. This would be Leo’s house.”