Page 17 of The Surrogate
“Then no,” she said.
“No?” I stopped pacing. “Why?”
“That’s too much pressure.”
“How so?”
“Would I have to curtsy or something?”
She can’t be serious.I bent my head back in laughter. “He’s not King Charles, Abby. You don’t bow to a duke. Although, I’m upset at myself for not lying and telling you to do it. Would’ve been worth it just to see Felicity’s face.”
“That’s his wife?”
“Yeah. She’s American—from Rhode Island like you, actually. After all these years, she’s still not comfortable with her title. And I think someone bowing to her would just about put her over the edge. Whatever you do, don’t call heryour grace. She detests it.”
“I wasn’t planning on it. And thank you for not setting me up for embarrassment.”
“The day is still young.” I opened the shade and looked out at the cloudy London sky. “Anyway, if you’re not interested, that’s fine. I just figured—”
“Not interested in sheep? Or getting to playDownton Abbeyfor a day? Are you kidding? I would love to visit the farm. Lavinia is a sweetheart, but she doesn’t have the energy to get out and do things with me. I’d like to take her to the pub for dinner tonight, though. Already promised that. Will we be home by then?”
“Yes. Leo’s house is not too far from the inn. Just on the other side of Westfordshire.”
“Great. Okay. Then I would love to take you up on your offer.”
Felicity took to Abby immediately, as I’d imagined she would. Both being from Rhode Island, they seemed to have a lot in common.
My cousin’s wife had whisked Abby away to show her around the grounds while I hung out with Leo inside. It was the only opportunity I’d have to speak to him in private about the latest happenings.
He worked to open a bottle of Cabernet Franc. “She seems like a nice girl.”
“Not sure how you can know that after meeting her for ten minutes.”
He popped the cork. “You’re telling me you don’t like her?”
I swallowed. “The verdict is still out.”
He poured a glass. “You’re doing your best to sabotage the situation, I take it? Her looks are probably freaking you out even more.”
“What do you mean by that?” I knew damn well what he was referring to.
“Come on, Sigmund. She’sexactlyyour type. Or at least what your type used to be. Must make an already uncomfortable situation evenmoreuncomfortable for you, eh?”
There was no denying how beautiful Abby was, so I didn’t even try. “Her above-average looks are inconsequential, Leo. Given the nature of the situation, she’s totally off limits.”
“I’m certain you brought her here to meet us today to distract from how awkward you’ve been toward her.”
“Awkward? No. Rude and standoffish? Yes. It’s a miracle she’s still here.”
“True to form, I see.” He rolled his eyes. “What’s acting like a knob going to achieve?”
“Well, for one, it caused her to almost leave. Which, of course, was what I’d wanted. I don’t know what the hell we’re doing at the moment, though. Last night, I admitted to her that I don’t feel ready to move forward with the surrogacy. Then I felt bad for wasting her time, so I tried to make up for it by bringing her here since she loves animals.”
“So, this visit is one big distraction?” He handed me a glass of wine.
“Pretty much, yes.” I took a sip.