Page 18 of The Surrogate
“Are you really not ready, or are you just scared?”
I stared out the French doors, where I could see Abby in the distance standing next to Leo’s daughter, Eloise, and petting one of the animals. Her joyous smile warmed even my cold heart. “Her being here just made it all too real.”
“I don’t think you’ll ever feel completely ready, cousin. You made your decision to go ahead with it. It just started to feel scary because things are actually moving. If Phil and Kate believe Abby is the right person for this, you might not want to let your fear stand in the way. You could lose her and end up with someone you dislike even more.”
I looked out again to find Abby lifting Eloise into the air.
The problem was, Ididn’tdislike Abby at all. I wished I did. It would’ve made it a lot easier to send her home.
Track 7: “3 Sum” by Mark Dohner
You’ve heard the termdied and gone to heaven? Well, if I died today, and I could choose my heaven, I’m pretty sure Brighton House would be it. This huge farm was like a dream, from the wide-open fields to the plethora of horses, sheep, and pigs. And Felicity was an unexpected slice of home—of normalcy—in this otherwise foreign place. She became an instant friend.
“I can’t thank you enough for showing me around today,” I said as we reentered the house. Her daughter, Eloise, ran ahead of us to greet her dad.
“The pleasure was all mine,” Felicity said. “I can’t believe how much we have in common. It’s like looking at myself in the mirror—you know, if I were suddenly tall and gorgeous.”
“Oh, you’re too nice.” I felt myself blushing. “And are you kidding? You’re stunning.”
Felicity had wild red hair and freckles. She was absolutely beautiful inside and out, and I wished I had more time here to get to know her.
She grinned. “I mean, two girls from Rhode Island seaside towns together in the English countryside? Pretty cool, if you ask me.”
“Did you ever spend time in Massasoit?” I asked.
“My foster mother used to take me to the beach there occasionally. It’s not too far from Narragansett, where I grew up.”
“Do you remember a store called Little Rhody? Purple on the outside?”
“That’s the souvenir shop by the beach? The one that served ice cream?”
I nodded. “That’s my family’s business.”
“No way.”
“Well, it was. It closed when the economy got bad. I’m in the process of trying to reopen it.”
“Ah, I see.”
When we entered the kitchen, Sig and Leo were standing there talking. “Were your ears ringing, Sigmund?” I teased.
“Why is that?”
“Imighthave been talking about you to Abby,” Felicity said.
“And Abby’s still here? You must’ve not told her the full truth.” Sig sniffed the air. “What’s that stench?”
It hadn’t registered until he mentioned it, but boy did I smell it now. I lifted my foot to examine the bottom of my shoe. “Shit!” I looked up at him. “Literally. I must’ve stepped in manure outside.”
“It happens! Stay put,” Felicity said, running off. “I’ll get you something.”
Eloise pointed at my shoe. “Poop!” She ran after her mother.
I shrugged, turning to Sig and Leo. “Way to make a debut, huh?”