Page 19 of The Surrogate
“You seem to attract small disasters, Abby Knickerbocker.” Sig turned to Leo. “I never told you about the minor car accident.”
I chuckled. “And here I was thinking the shittiest thing about this trip was your attitude, Sig. Apparently I found something shittier.”
Leo snorted. “I like her.”
“Thank you, your majesty.” I bowed before winking over at Sig. “Kidding!” I told Leo. “I know I’m not supposed to do that. This one tried to set me up and tell me I was, though.”
“I wasn’t setting you up. I was merelywishingI’d done it.” Sig smiled over at me. That was rare. But he had a beautiful smile.
Felicity returned wearing rubber gloves and holding a spray bottle and some cloths. This was so embarrassing. We ended up having to take my shoe over to a bathroom sink since the cloths weren’t cutting it.
After I was as clean as could be expected under the circumstances, she and I returned to find the guys standing on the back patio off the kitchen. Leo held Eloise as they talked. We joined them outside.
“Can you stay for dinner?” Leo asked.
“Actually, we need to head back to take Lavinia to the pub tonight,” I said.
“Aw, that’s sweet.” Felicity grinned. “Isn’t she the best?”
“I love her,” I admitted.
“She really helped me out one summer years back when I was visiting and things got complicated with Leo,” Felicity said. “She was my lifesaver. So was Sig.” She turned to him. “That’s when he and I became close.”
“Stop lying. You’vealwaysloved me, Ginger. From the very beginning.” Sig winked.
She smacked him on the shoulder. “Actually, I pretty muchhatedyou the first summer I met you.”
“So there’s hope for me after all?” I chided.
Sig glared at me, and I loved it. What was wrong with me that I found him so damn attractive despite everything? It was wildly inappropriate. Not to mention, I had no clue where things stood with the surrogacy; the only thing I knew for sure was that having a crush on Sig would get me a ticket to nowhere.
After we said goodbye to Leo and Felicity, Sig and I hopped in his car and went back toward the inn. As always, the scenery through the countryside was mesmerizing, especially with the sun setting.
“Thank you again for bringing me out here today. Felicity is basically my spirit animal.”
“You two seemed to have a lot in common.”
“We do. It’s a little scary.” I turned to him. “And oh my goodness, the Shetland pony Leo bought in Rhode Island all those years ago? The fact that they still have him? My heart nearly melted.”
“Ludicrous. They certainly gave him the appropriate name.”
“Someday I’m going to tell the love of my life that I’ve always wanted an extravagant animal, just to see if he buys it for me.” I laughed.
“Or he could think you’re crazy and ignore the request.”
“Worth a shot.” I shrugged.
“What would you choose?” he asked.
“For my animal?”
“I’d have to think about it.”
“It wouldn’t be a sheep, by chance?” He arched a brow.
“No. It would have to be something crazier. Like an ostrich or something.” I chuckled. “Speaking of crazy, I learned a lot about you from Felicity today. Certainly more than I’ve learned from you.”